Edited by Lancelot: 3/29/2016 9:06:04 PMUnitingassassin 298 normal
Normal TTK.Gamertag is LoneRaider77
Mygmadr tag is darkestgen
Would love to do some raid! Gamer tag tylercash2
I'd love to get some help on destiny, my son got me into the game an now i'm hooked. I'm not very good an my ability/knowledge of how it all works is limited. I'd really appreciate being helped through my first raid or anything really. I'm struggling to gain legendary marks, better weapons/armour to increase my light past 240-250. what do I need to do and when to get some help? Thanks in advance My gamer tag is VICTORWOLFE1979
My gamer tag is CP03 assassin
Inv if your team is excellent aka really good need help with oryx
Looking for people to help me through my first raid I'm a 288 warlock and wanting to do the Kings fall raid all my buddies left for the one while I'm stuck behind on my 360 looking for people to play with
Still havent done a raid been playing since day one but on the day the xb1 came out all my friends shot off and im left with no x360 buddies lol. Any help would be appreciated guys.
I have NOT completed a RAID to date. I have been in the VOG, but did not realize what was involved and unfortunately had to leave the game before finishing. I am not a great player, but I am capable, as long as you are willing to revive me. LOL
I have not done a raid but I'd like to.
I've yet to do a raid, but I would like to.
I haven't done the raid yet, I would like to!
I've done the raids before but have kind of been rushed through them. Would love to learn how to use the relics and swordbearer.
I would love to do any raid! have yet to even attempt one.
Need vog my tag us my user name plz massage asap
I've tried but never finished need help finishing
yess I would love some help with a raid.
I would be very interested in completing some raids, havent been able to find a good group of people to get them done with. Need to get my hands on some raid gear.Please message me on Xbox 360 GT: C0rruptedDreams. Im active all the time, and i do have a mic.
I need help with raids. I started a couple, but it's just too hard to do alone.
I haven't done a raid yet but I would love to!
I have never done a full raid:(
I have never managed to get through a raid.Would love to be able to.Most of my friends already have done them.
I've never done a full raid
Edited by Apollo: 9/7/2015 1:12:59 PMI have not done one... I have only tried a normal then i got logged out... And then my raid team didnt let me back in... but i would love to do one! Im a hunter 33 and i would like to do hard Vog
I am interested in doing it soon my schedule is kinda hectic right now i think I might have Thursday the 10th free I have a mic and I'm a 32 Titan not sure if that makes a difference