originally posted in:Goldys Golden Army
I am looking for people to play destiny with on Xbox one, but need them to be in my timezone in the UK
Add me to play on xb1 Lvl27 titan here--> Gt: itzz me you see
Add gt itzz me you see to play on xb1
Hey, could you move this to #Destiny or #Clans please? #Gaming is for general banter about games, not destiny. Much appreciated, Codmoh
Add me if you like - just starting out!
Same here,UK gamer needing help get better loot and to do strike and story missions to push past the Lv 20 mark played mainly PvP up till now
I'm a uk gamer level 24 GT HSC LyRiiCs v feel free to add me
Feel free to add me GT : Lil Kiwimagico
Junior2535 is my gamer tag
UK player here,GT is valandil77,feel free to add me