originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
Raids and Strikes:
Team - I may be mistaken, but Raids require Level 26 players. That means we all need to level in order to participate.
So - Grab a member of the clan who isn't 20 yet and lets help them powerlevel. Do Strikes with lower level clannies on Earth and the moon. Lets try to get everyone to level 20 at least.
After 20 You need to get "Light" on your gear in order to level. Lets work together in creating a community that will allow us all to do the late game/end game content.
All of this happens in your spare time of course, after your wife is done watching the Real Housewives of (insert city here) and your kids are done watching Dora the Explorer, and you have finished watching porn....
Much Love Delta!
H Rex
To be honest i think level 27 would be better, spoken to a couple of friends who have done this and the enemies you meet at the end are level 28!
Level 24 titan here, feel free to add as well. As a side note, it seems to me that the queen's wrath kill orders are a great way to get epic armor pieces quickly without grinding vanguard or faction/crucible rep. Hit me up if any of you gents are looking to knock some out! Cheers.
I've been stuck at lvl 22 for a while. I could use some help leveling. Feel free to add me. GT: KravDaddyTEE TZ: EST
Are you ever really finished watching porn?
Haha nice. I think it's gonna be a lot longer grind for level 26 than we originally thought. I'm gonna focus on PvE challenges and get my vanguard rank up to buy the armor there. Every one of those things has like 15 light so that should get me up there. Although to buy them I need to do strikes up the wazoo to get vanguard marks lol. I'm hoping for middle of October.
LOL. Sound great. I just hit 20 yesterday so feel free to hit me up if you see me online and I am glad to run through strikes or missions or whaterver! (GT=jskyn)