originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
We have 4 or 5 Deltas trying to beat the raid tonight (on the last boss). Wish us luck, we'll be sure to provide the loot details.
Anyone who has not added me GT: RakiReid2010 i want everyone adding me so i can help people get Raid Ready and please just join my game if i am on cArican does and then we can do some missions etc i want that VoG loot will continue to level my 25 titan slowly whilst tryin to get my hunter 28
Take it down fellas! I'm slowly leveling up...
Didn't pull it off. Lost our fireteam leader due to server issues. The guys we brought in helped, but the mechanics were too much to get brought in to. All together, the raid gave me an exotic red death, legendary found verdict shotty, 3 ascendant energy and 7 shards.
Good luck guys! Looking forward to tackling it sometime next week!