originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
Team Delta,
Many of us have characters that are level 26+ and want to level an alt, which an be time consuming and tedious from the start.
I want to compile a list of players who are willing to help others power level a second or third character, and would want the same help in return. Remember, this is an honor system, so If you want help leveling you also need to spend time helping others.
The easiest way to get from 1-20 would be to complete the daily bounties etc on the hardest mode allowed, fast. Generally speaking a high level can just carry a low level through the content in short order.
Team Twink - (twink is another word for one high level player helping to level a low level):
H Rex - Level 28 Titan - want to level a Hunter...willing to trade time with one or more folks.
I'm so close with my second Hunter. Level 18.5. Can't wait to be doing two raids a weekend!
i'm up for it, just send me an invite if i am on i am game
Edited by Rhitgpeck: 10/28/2014 11:05:40 PMI am willing to help people. If you need help and you see me on shoot me a message and I will help if I am free. I have a lvl 28 titan. Thanks
Add me in I will help, have all three chars already.
I will help with anything if I'm available i have Lvl 29 titan Lvl8 Hunter and warlock
If I'm online, I'm down for anything. I'll eventually level a titan but till then, I'll help out running through other events. GT danny merritt
My request is a little bit different but I propose a trade if there's someone to accept it? My wife actually made a Destiny account and just this weekend we managed to get her Hunter to lvl 20, she needs better gear and needs to run the dailies and other missions. If someone can help her level up and maybe get some better gear then I will use my time and character to help you. I have a lvl 29 Titan that can get through almost anything and will happily help anyone else out if they need it.
Colles Level 29 Warlock (damn you Bungie give me some damn Raid gear). Need to level a hunter (hopefully get to 20 by Friday) Then going to start a Titan. I can help power level someone. Will be on a LOT after Tuesday since Wife/Kid are going to visit the in-laws for a week.
Edited by GhostOfVault13: 10/20/2014 7:57:07 PMI typically help as many people as i can with whatever i can. Typically the only reason i will say no to an invite is if i'm busy helping other people (don't want to be break my word to whoever i'm currently helping) or if i'm taking a destiny break for a few hours. easy way to figure out if I'm available is to message me though prior to a random invite. Feel free to message me at any time with a help request GT: GhostofVault13 (Main: 29 Lock) Edit: Whenever i can afford Xbox live again anyway. Edit 2: Scratch that, good to go now. Business expenses ftw. Let me know how I can help.
If I'm on I'm willing to help. GT is same as name here and I have a Lvl 27 Titan.