DadsOfDestiny Knights
""Go To Bed? When Will I Game?""
originally posted in:DadsOfDestiny Knights
A Harbingers, Knights, Spartans, Ghost Wielder Event!
Presenting - Strike Speed runs!
You do Strikes. ALL. THE. TIME. They are boring. hell, you don't even announce that you do them because they're so routine. Well let's add a chance at immortality (like, local celeb. like a D-Lister, tops. relax.). Grab some Harbingers, Knights, Spartans, Ghost Wielder buds, crush the strike and post your best time! We will have a running top time per strike.
The rules are simple.
A. Harbingers, Knights, Spartans, Ghost Wielder members only - Your name must show on the Members list.
B. Choose any Strike directly, no play list.
C. Time starts when you LAND, ends when the COUNTDOWN begins.
D. Trust - We will be taking your word on the time of these strikes. Be able to provide proof if asked. If you decide to upload the video, with your permission, we will host it so everyone can bask in your glory.
With that being said,
Godspeed, Guardian!
***Original post by JesterBOOM on DoD Battleborn