originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Just started a new clan looking for new members, we have 4 as of now. We do raids, crucible and anything else. message me for info or if you want to join. thanks
Zandar12 I'm afternoon/night EST
I'll join. PSN: TWINKIE-TED I'm on at 8:00pm to 3:00 a.m. central time.
Edited by DeathShade2000: 8/30/2015 11:16:53 AMWhat time are u playing, if you have the right time im a lvl 32 gunslinger with no mic also PS4 platform
What lvl and what times are you on
I'll join
[quote]Just started a new clan looking for new members, we have 4 as of now. We do raids, crucible and anything else. message me for info or if you want to join. thanks[/quote] I'll join lvl 33 sunsinger Magic_Ninja64