originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
If anyone is of level and interested in the Raid "Vault Of Glass" opening on tuesday please contact me. I currently have a 26 and will be grinding away to 27-28 before the release. Rolling with Voidwalker Warlock.
<3 - OmegaManBearPig
Need 4 more for raid. Lvl 25 hunter and 26 warlock. Send a message if you want an invite. GT is Vainglorious89
Level 24, am currently trying to get past the first section and failing Deltia 7
Lvl 26 hunter. Add me folks xS GOAT
25 void walker, exotics and almost 26 TKE MFO
Level 26 blade dancer hunter, looking to do raid, currently grinding to 27
Lvl 25 Gunslinger Hunter, - GT: Shatcake
I'm a Lv. 26 Hunter Gunslingers I
23 Titan available - Butler063
level 26 sunsinger/warlock
Level 22 Hunter, GT: Chachian007
Level 24 hunter, gunslinger. Gt sir porpoise
Gt is InC Spyder I won't be on till my dad leaves town lvl 26 void walker warlock good armor and weapons
Level 26 hunter blade dance Gamertag: Silas 246 have mic of want to talk also
Level 27 SunSinger / VoidWalker fully unlocked and decently geared. Username is my gamertag have mic.
Level 27 Warlock - Sunslinger / Fireborn GT: Merphee
Lvl 25 Titan - sub class varies on strike/mission Attempting to grind to lvl 27-28 tonight. GT: Dvatt v2
Edited by T0NS OF N0OBS: 9/15/2014 6:29:48 AMHey I am looking for a group to raid with, Sunsinger warlock lvl 26... GT t0ns of n0obs 1st and 3rd 0 are zeroes