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originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Edited by ChrisOfTheDead: 9/18/2014 4:11:16 PM

Sharing tips/tricks/info

Animator Chris from Rooster Teeth here. I figured we should have a thread for sharing tips, tricks and other useful info about the game. I'll start us off. I just learned that shield color indicates what kind of elemental damage will bring the enemy, or at least the shield, down quicker. So match the color of your weapon's damage to the shield color you're fighting.

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  • Edited by MrEvilBob: 9/19/2014 4:14:42 PM
    Light Levels and You! How to enjoy the post level 20 life in Destiny. So you've hit level 20, now what? You're now at the point in the game where the real fun can begin. Heroic Strikes & Missions, Raids and special playlists all await you in the post level 20 portion of Destiny. The way to tap into this is a stat called Light which only appears on Armor that is Rare or better. Light won't be found on any armor below level 16 (my own experience, you may get lucky and find something) and the maximum value of light will gradually increase as the levels go up. At level 20 Rare armor will have a basic Light Level of +12 but as you upgrade this will become +15. The most Light you can get from Level 20 Rare Armor is 60 which will be enough to get you to Light Level 24 (and about halfway to Level 25). Rare armor pieces can be found in Green and Blue engrams, purchased from your mentor in The Tower, earned by completing Strikes in the Strike Playlists and earned by completing matches in the Crucible. But MrEvilBob, I've seen people with Light Level 25 to 28, how do I get there? This is where the high end gear comes into the discussion. The only way to get to above Light Level 24 is to have Legendary Armor items equipped. The base Light Value of level 20 Legendary Armor items is +17 and will increase as you purchase the Defense upgrades on the skill trees. All Legendary gear will require a farmable material (Spinmetal, Helium Filaments, Spirit Blooms or Relic Iron) for the Defense upgrades and the last 3 upgrades will require the rare material Ascendant Shards (usually 6 for each one, 18 in total) in addition to the farmable materials. Legendary Armor can be obtained from Blue and Purple Engrams and can also be purchased in the Tower for Vanguard marks or Crucible marks. You must be at least Faction level 2 to purchase Legendary armor. If you're not Level 2 yet bounties are a great way to increase reputation with the Vanguard and Crucible handlers. You can also farm Vanguard faction by completing Patrol Missions. Crucible faction can be farmed by completing matches in the Crucible (fastest matches in the Crucible are usually Rumble). Players can only earn 100 Vanguard marks and 100 Crucible marks per week so make sure to save your marks and plan your purchases! A step above that is Exotic Armor. Reputable reports have come into the Destiny SubReddit that suggest that you can only have 1 Exotic Armor piece equipped, period. Exotic Armor has many variants and is usually Subclass specific as in each piece of Exotic Armor will have an upgrade that corresponds to a specific subclass and it's abilities. Exotic Armor has a base Light value of +22 (my experience, could be different) and will increase as you upgrade. Exotic's can drop from Purple & Gold Engrams and can also be purchased from the Agent of 9 on Friday's and Saturday's for Strange Coins. The Agent of 9 will appear in the Tower at a random location and will have 1 Exotic Armor item for each class available for purchase. He may also have an Exotic Engram available for purchase with Mote's of Light. I hope this brief guide helps everyone better understand how to increase your Light Levels! I apologize if I forgot anything.

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    • Found this on this site they do work i've done them all. [REDEEM CODES AT THE LINK ABOVE!] You can collect these from Postmaster Kadi 55-30, or purchase them from Tess Everis at the Special Orders. *NOTE: You may have to log out from Destiny, and log back in for these codes to take effect. *NOTE: These are "Bungie Codes" and are available on all platforms of Destiny. Grimoire Card Redemption (17) 1# YKA-RJG-MH9 - Warlock 2# 3DA-P4X-F6A - Titan 3# MVD-4N3-NKH - Hunter 4# TCN-HCD-TGY - Fallen, Riksis, Devils Achron 5# HDX-ALM-V4K - Destination Cosomodrone 6# 473-MXR-3X9 - Enemy: Hive 7# JMR-LFN-4A3 - The Ocean of Storms, Moon 8# HC3-H44-DKC - Exotic: Gjallarhorn 9# 69P-KRM-JJA - Destination: The Tower 10# 69P-VCH-337 - Exotic: The Last Word 11# 69R-CKD-X7L - Hive: Ogre 12# 69R-DDD-FCP - Destination: Valley of Kings, Mars 13# 69R-F99-AXG - Enemy: The Fallen 14# 69R-VL7-J6A - Exotic: Red Death 15# 69X-DJN-74V - Enemy: Cabal 16# 6A7-7NP-3X7 - Destination: Shattered Coast, Venus 17# 6A9-DTG-YGN - Vex: Minotaur Emblem Redemption (10) 1# FJ9-LAM-67F - Binding Focus 2# JD7-4CM-HJG - Illusion of Light 3# JDT-NLC-JKM - Ab Aeterno 4# JNX-DMH-XLA - Field of Light 5# 7CP-94V-LFP - Lone Focus, Jagged Edge 6# X4C-FGX-MX3 - Note of Conquest 7# A7L-FYC-44X - Flames of Forgotten Truth 8# 7F9-767-F74 - Sign of the Finite (9/17/14) 9# X9F-GMA-H6D - The Unimagined Plane (9/17/14) 10# N3L-XN6-PXF - The Reflective Proof (9/17/14) Shader Redemption (2) 1# 7MM-VPD-MHP - Double Banshee 2# RXC-9XJ-4MH - Oracle 99

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      8 Replies
      • Everyone watch this YouTube video to save gaming of the future! Don't Buy The Dark Below or House of Wolves Destiny DLC Expansion Packs Because Destiny is Bad BDobbinsFTW

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        • Suck at this game, it gives you good drops

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        • Be very careful on the sword u choose. When choosing element, please consider which subclass has abilities that u r okay with killing 500 enemies left. Finishing the sword quests are super long but worth it

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        • Anyone want FREE iTunes and Google play store cards? Just CLICK the link and do as it says. All you have to do is download and app and try it then once you get your credits delete it. It's pretty simple.

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        • Hello all my fello guardians, I am here to try and recruit some guardians you must be a 25 plus(I am 28) and you Gotta Be a Really Cool Guy or Gal looking forward to all you guys tring to join I P.S You Gotta be Cool Thank You - Fizzy

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          • PvP tips: eyes on your radar at basically all times. Practice will help you learn to use the radar. Don't always jump to avoid threats. This is the most effective for supers and grenades because it immediately sets you away from a threat, but if you jump when a person is shooting you, jumping makes you more or less useless until you hit the ground again. If you see someone on your radar and they might have a line of sight on you, stop sprinting. Also, never sprint in very open areas. Try to crouch a lot when in combat. Makes it much harder to hit crits and also might make them miss shots over your head.

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          • Once modified suros regime to focused fire "more damage but less fire rate", hit the fire trigger like a scout rifle. Time it right and you get the fast rate of fire back. It's a neat trick but requires practice, as too fast it actually slows fire rate down. Jump on your sparrow then jump off. Hold button to jump back on then hit the dance button. Time it right and you can ride the sparrow whilst dancing.

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          • 1)If running bounties, try and incorporate a few in the same area. Example: 100 precision headshots, complete 6 bounties in the cosmadrome and kill 10 major/elite fallen. All achievable in the same place. 2) Before handing in bounties, make sure you have weapons/armour that you wish/need to upgrade equipped. You gain experience when handing in bounties and this goes towards leveling your gear and upgraded your chosen class. 3) Weapons that let you see the radar whilst ADS is a god send in PvP. It will let you hold ground against an enemy, and give you a higher chance of gaining a drop on them. 4) Thorn is totally worth it. Do not moan about the bounty, just complete it and join the club. You will never look back!

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          • Farming rep doing patrols is fastest in a group if people split up as everyone in the group gets credit regardless of distance. While one person is heading to the next mission beacon, someone else is starting a mission and others are killing stuff. For assassination missions, if properly split up, someone can usually drop the enemy seconds after the mission is started. Same applies for scans and scouting missions.

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          • The armor piercing rounds perk on a sniper will let you shoot through thick walls and objects.

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          • What if you are colorblind?

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            • When playing team pvp please STAY with your TEAM

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              • watch my warlock kill Crota hard mode Crotas end! posting often now.

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              • Edited by Koarpse: 10/8/2014 10:23:08 AM
                Rooster Teeth trying to give advice to other players? Get the -blam!- out of here. You guys only did one thing right which was Red vs Blue.

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                17 Replies
                • PROTIP: As soon as you realize this game was a colossal waste of time abandon ship. Yes, it will happen to you. Just wait until the honeymoon phase wears off. Unless you happen to be a masochist who likes ball gags and leather whips then by all means keep playing until you are screaming the safe word.

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                  • Here is a tip: look at legendary sniper perk roles. I got one with field scout (extended magazine and larger ammo reserves) and surplus (get more ammo from ammo pick up) and for some reason whith is equiped i pick up double heavy ammo in PVE

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                  • When killing Atheon in the VoG, you can tell which side (Mars/Venus) to open just by looking at your radar. Facing Atheon, a far away friendly marker on the bottom left side of your radar means they're on the Mars/left side and same marker but on the top right of your radar means they're on Venus/right side. This should help anyone who's done the raid with people without a mic or just to get the portals open faster. :)

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                    5 Replies
                    • Fastest way to farm glimmer 1st mission on Mars apply a network key wait for the ship to drop cabal majors kill all but 1 then kill your self repeat process u can make 20k in an hour

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                    • question: if one does hard VOG and does the normal VOG, will the normal VOG yield rewards? from chests or from bosses or both?

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                      • Before Dismantling a weapon u don't need or use. unlock all the upgrades (All green circles) but [b]don't[/b] purchase the upgrades (blue circles) Then when u dismantle it, u will get 5-6 A energies, telemetry, and planet materials. Instead of just 2-3 A Energys. This only works for weapons, armors unlikely..but I haven't tested the armors to confirm. U won't get the same amount that you put in..back but, you'll get way more than just instantly dismantling them.

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                      • * Most boss-fight areas have sections of the terrain that are exploitable (enemies won't travel there and have difficulty shooting players hiding there, or can't at all). These are very useful for players attempting to solo Nightfall and Weekly Heroic Strikes. * If your Sparrow starts to roll or swerve out of control, let off the boost. Control comes back faster. * Completing a Nightfall Strike adds to your XP gain (+25% rounded down) for anything that gains XP - including Cryptarch rank, Vanguard/Faction rank, and weapon leveling. * You can cancel the last part of long reload animations by switching weapons, meleeing, or running. When you trigger the reload, look at the ammo indicator in the lower right. When the ammo refills there, use any of the three listed actions to cancel the remainder of the reload animation. Can be very useful with pistols and MGs.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Hey guys I just created a clan called "The Forgotten Tribes" and my alliance "The national Tribe Group" join to my clan :) and the people who already have a clan join to my alliance group please I'll be so grateful I'm recruiting and Im on lvl 28 warlock and lvl 11 hunter :)

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                        • I'm sharing my tip any body wanna partner up ? ... Oh wait.

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                          • On a pike pressing RB or LB makes you swing to the left or the right.

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