originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
This thread is inspired by another: view original post
We're on the Xbox One and already have 3 members for the Raid, but are looking for up to 3 more. Lvl 24 and higher needed and a Mic is required for us to be an effective fireteam. Since the raid can last for more than a few days, we'll be adding you as a friend for at least as long a time as the raid takes. The raid progression will be saved to the fireteam leader who will continue to be the leader for every consecutive day the raid takes. We're in game and ready to go and will be on most of the time for the next few days to do the raid. If you're interested in joining, DO NOT post here, but instead send a message on the Xbox One to "Kita Aldrin".
Add me K1LLGOR666 I wanna raid I just found out how
The 7th Beast: GT