originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Hi me and a friend need help with the raid on Xbox 360, we are both level 27, in the UK. One Hunter, one Warlock. Add me - Sir Crimson13
Edited by Midzark: 10/15/2014 9:57:48 PMYo I have 4 friends waiting in the tower with me needing two more players! If you two fancy joining us?!?! Add me if you want to do the VOG PSN...... Midzark
Add : a huge rash lvl 29 I'll be on in an hour done it twice
Ok, got 3 now.
I'm a level 26 hunter. My psn Lamadalton_
I'll join, but unfortunately I'm only lv24. DreadPaladin00
Yeah i know that, thats why we are here asking for help
you are going to need 6 people at that level