originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
I need some help killing Xyor the Unwed in The Summoning Pits. Please help me. I have been asking for help for about a week now, and I am tired of trying to do this on my own, because it isn't happening with just me. Says lvl 26 very hard strike. gt is C4M0T00TH (0=zero).
I need help with this too, if anyone is still in need
Never mind, it is done.
could still use one more person.
ill help u
It's tough guys best advice I can give is, get your ice breaker(u bought one right!?!) Camp in the shrieker room right b4 when u enter the main area, run back one room when it's up, kill 3 full spawns of all the critters in the main area then he will come in on a ship, takes about 30 minutes, u can leave right after u kill him.
I need help too. Add me. Boonewhacker
i need help with xyor too :/