originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Are you trying to find players to join you to complete a strike you are struggling with, or to help complete an Exotic?
Tired of posting and hoping for the best?
Then this is a place to start planning properly.
Only post if you are putting together a team AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN THE FUTURE.
Post timescales for start times/dates + time zones these are based on.
When responding, reply to the original post - do not create a new thread solely in response, nor offering services out.
Other than 'be nice to each other', feel free to use this as a base going forward.
I will moderate as and how is required.
Safe hunting Guardians :)
Invite me or add me for raid i need gold trophy for raid i can help
Looking to set up a nightfall or weekly strike group 22.10.2014, around 1600-1800GMT. Gamertag is same as name.