originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Hi the name is Dragondark26, and I want to host a VOG raid for the first time but I can't do it alone and this is also my first time asking. If anyone is level 27 or over and interested please message me.
Edited by DragonDark26: 1/11/2015 4:57:53 PMI actually found some people to do the raid with me and made it to the gatekeeper but ran into problems with coordination and communication when we were defending the conflux while trying to get the 2nd relic and kept dying. I'm getting the group together again later today to try again at that check point. shoot me off a friend request through xbox if you want in. Oh, and make sure you have a mic.
I'm interested but I'm level 27 but I can still manage just fine in the raid, I've got a friend who's level 28 that wants to do it as well
I'm a level 27 titan. Would be glad to help.
How about me? lvl 29 hunter