originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
My fiancé and I just bought a new PS4 for destiny and I only know like 5 people with it. I'm just looking for some friends to play with since I work graveyard and they are usually asleep when I get a chance to play. Yes, I am a girl and please be courteous and understanding.
Edited by aggravath: 9/15/2014 12:25:45 PMFeel free to add me on PSN My name is Aggravath 24 Male, the Netherlands, warlock, with mic.
25 male UK, lvl 16 warlock, with mic. Tag: d1mitch89
Add me psn withyourpantsoff
Edited by Ellephant017: 9/15/2014 11:18:40 AMI'm down. My time zone will probably work with yours. PSN: Ellephant017 Level 20 Bladedancer looking for fireteams for strikes and what not :)
PSN: Delsai_ See yah in game!
Join LegalizeTheGanja for some Special plays :D
Edited by caseywooden: 9/15/2014 11:32:33 AMHii! I'm on the east coast but I'm up all hours. Add me? PSN: caseywooden
I am level 7 titan, if possible add me there: UrsoGenteFinaBR Hug and God bless!
Dont worry mate let's play Destiny together :) add my PSN: dimas_gamer653,also add me too ;)
Add me @ Satellier1 I work hotel night audit :p
Feel free, HEEZY912 is my psn.
Edited by kingkong1666: 9/15/2014 10:22:34 AMAdd me I work grave yards too haha I know like 5 people on psn so if anyone else wants to add too feel free im up to jam or what ever :3 Psn: kingkong1666
Hey feel free to add me :) PSN id: Rep_Of_Warlords
Feel free to add me, all. PSN: Grey-Fade
Usually on @ night and looking to do just about everything, raids, strikes, pvp, story, or just chillin and leveling another class. Add HerbnOJ I'm super chill and laid back just looking to enjoy Destiny with other like minded players.
HonzGrewber ps4
I'm a very active PS4 player. I run with a tightknit group of friends and any strangers brave enough to accept my party invites. :) I also run the clan [b]Vigil[/b], which is just starting to become active. PSN: Makeshyft_Man Feel free to add me.
Looking to have people to play with, tired of playing solo level 11 Titan. Add me fobbit72
Level 11. Want to team up with other bros to finish campaign. Have mic. Live in nyc
Dremxen here, lvl 12 titan. I´m brand new to the ps4 hardly ever played playstations beforehand so I´m still getting use to it.
Add me, new to Ps4
Feel free to add me psn is t0mmyly0n210. They are zeros not o's lol
Hey, Feel free to add me if you want, I'm new as well and play in the APAC timezone. Cheers, M