originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Looking for group VOG on hard mode. Lvl 28 hunter with full exotic / legendary armor and full exotic/ legendary weapons.
Level 26 fully upgraded defender Titan looking for some guys to do the weekly strikes with and the raid...hoping to get enough guys to make it into a clan so we can get the achievements GT: HoofBoy13
Looking To Do Nightfall or Weekly Heroic on Hard, Hunter Lvl 28 (Xbox1)
LVL 24 Hunter Need assistance with lvl 26 Moon strike for exotic bounty Preferably two people needed, but one may work
Looking for three people for vog on hard. level 29 or over. GT The 10th Divine
Level 27 Titan looking to do VOG on normal. Gamer tag is JU1CE33
Anybody looking to play on xbox1 gt: RD Gamerfreak looking to do VoG
Level 26 fully upgraded defender Titan looking for some guys to do the weekly strikes and raid with...hoping to get enough people to make it into a clan so we can get the achievements. GT: HoofBoy13
Lf group for 28 daily already at last checkpoint gt is username.
Hard mode start to finish GT :GARRICK BOYZ
Lfg for fresh vog Lvl 26 warlock Gt: pandaklerik Xbone
Xbox one fresh raid. Experienced players. Must be level 27 or higher for normal. We will begin at 7pm central time(30 min.)Obviously must have a mic. Pm me here or on Xbox live I have both apps
Looking for players to help with xyor the unwed strike for thorn gt: th3 n0is3
Need one for the normal vault of glass
Looking for some new people to play wth add me RD Gamerfreak
Looking for weekly heroic on hard or nightfall, hunter 28 (xbox1
Looking for a group for either hard or normal VoG and nightfall gt is my name (lvl 29 warlock)
Anyone want to join Dust Bin Liners group feel free to join
NEED 1 for NIGHTFALL NEED ONE NOW GT : Charisma aB lvl 28 Titan
Looking for a hard raid with everyone in the same clan for both related achievements
I'm looking for a group to do the weekly and/or raid. Add and message me, GT is above
Looking to do weekly and daily at 28 hard. Lvl 27 titan gt d Gman b
Looking for lv 28 weekly strike group, all clan members or the raid on normal all clan members
Vog on Normal gt GARRICK BOYZ
looking to do weekly heroic on hard, Hunter 28 on xbox one
Looking for VOG hard oracle checkpoint if someone can give to me! Message me on xb1