originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
My fiancé and I just bought a new PS4 for destiny and I only know like 5 people with it. I'm just looking for some friends to play with since I work graveyard and they are usually asleep when I get a chance to play. Yes, I am a girl and please be courteous and understanding.
Add me zed420 lvl 15 Titan.
PSN: xxchellzxx (:
Put me on TheMilk_Made_Man
Add me up. Balls2thefloor69
Psn: Jen-Ninja0131 (: add me
psn: snakeeyes4545 warlock lvl 23
islandarts1 :)
Edited by Mazzmatt89: 9/14/2014 8:59:35 PMI work graveyard shift as well and every night I'm up till about 3 PST. I have a daughter as well that keeps me up and I have no one to play with thus far and would gladly love some people to play with. My psn is mazzmatt89.
Just joined the clan. Psn name chucka69
PS4 MrRadDude12 Warlock Level 24
PSN: Synrite Lvl 22 hunter I'm free most late afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Just looking for fire teams I can roll with and do raids.
If you are looking for some PS4 friends we got ya covered. We are looking for adult based family we have about 30 members at the moment. please feel free to join read some of our forums and hope to see you with the clan tag in game and join our family. we will be holding heroic Strike teams this monday and tuesday evening http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/267129
Hey looking for people to party up with: l2estEasy lvl 19 Titan
Add me Manienwk89 Warlock lv 13 at the moment
Hey! I'm Jesse and I'm from our clan, Gnarly Steez Kidz, or GSK for short. We're a real chill laid back clan interested in endgame content. We are super flexible with scheduling and are looking to expand our ps4 clan. We're looking for more mature players who are more laid back. No mic is required but is recommended. Check us out! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/247987
I am just getting started with Destiny and looking to play coop. PSN is ohdanrab See ya'll out there
Edited by TheThunderOx: 9/14/2014 8:11:54 PMAdd me: TheThunderOx I'm in college so i'll be up late and I only know 2 people with Destiny on the PS4. I'm a lvl 17 Titan at the moment.
Psn DeadWabbitt you Yanky Doodle or English? I work nights so all my mates are counting sheep whilst I'm on! Need fireteam help!
Please add me, too lonely doing solo story missions PSN: nogameinolife
Ign:takenotime15 Lv11 Titan looking to play with more people like me .
I work the night shift at my base so I'm always up late. PSN: JSin1276 Lvl 25 Warlock
Add me xELITExSKILZx I'm lvl 20
Edited by OopsHeDidIt: 9/14/2014 7:18:12 PMAny one here can add me, I have a headset and a mic PSN: OopsHeDidIt Level: 9 and climbing
Add me!!! Woooooo! PSN: DawgPoundHero Level 25 Titan
Join our clan! Hells valkyrie