originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Level 20 warlock looking for people to help me get legendary armor so I can do weekly strikes GT:namednil
Need 5 players for VoG others left I am facing the Templar. Would really like loyal players message me. GT= alienpolecat
LFG VoG hard fresh start. LF others who are experienced and not lower than lvl 28. I am a level 29 lock and done hard before. Gtag is G54N
Looking to do vog Lv26 warlock invite me if u need anyone.
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post
Looking to do vault of glass, weekly night fall and weekly heroic anyone care to join Gt- alienpolecat system=360
Anyone up for vault of glass Gt NormalBard26 message me
Around 5:30 central I need some people for weekly strike for 9 strange coins. Message me gt NormalBard26.
Anyone here playing in the uk needing help with nightfall or harder weekly heroics? Also havent done the vault of glass yet so need players for it too. Gt is Baird Fenix add me and send me a message to let me know what times you can play thanks :)
Anyone wanna do Weeky NightFall I'm level 27.
Anyone want to do the VoG.i need 4 people we hae a lvl 29 hunter and lvl 27
Level 26/27 Titan looking for group to run raid & weekly strike invite , friend, or message GT: Oakely117
Xbox Space Egon LVL 25 Hunter w/mic LFG weekly
LFG: VOG Lvl: 28 Titan gt: stevedix thanks!
Edited by Mr Fen: 9/15/2014 7:44:44 AMCurrently lv21 Hunter. Playing whenever I can. I just sent out ~25 friend invites as I'm always looking to play with other players for the weekly challenge and... well... Group play is more fun than solo play. My mic doesn't work at the moment, but I do have another on the way. Add me: [b]Mr Fen[/b] (Xbox 360)
If you can, I'm a level 25 headstrong Titan looking for others to help me in The Vault Of Glass. Yes, I think I can help even at my level. Hahah, the gamertag is Reluan. You guys & gals are awesome by the way, Red Vs Blue is hilarious.
level 27 warlock looking to do raids and whatever else people feel like doing. gtag- IknowhereImgoin
Anyone need help with VOG? Hit me up. GT princemichael27 Lvl 27 Titan
Looking for team 27+ to do raid/daily/weekly/nightfall. im solo hunter. gtag = korterpounder
XB360 lvl 29 hunter and warlock looking for ppl forthe VOG on hard mode hit me up
Add me 28 and up for nightfall
Level 29 titan looking to do VOG hard xbox 360 add me: NocturnalElf306
Looking for someone to do the weekly strike GT is AngryFoal709716 msg me if u wnt to join
No idea what bounty. Should I pick Thorn or Invective
looking to do level 26 strike for exotic bounty. Gamer tag is goofygooberboys