originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Level 24 looking to do the level 26 weekly heroic strike
Lvl 27 hunter looking for a vog team inv infinite wraith
Warlock 27 Xbox One GT: Blockbuster1990 Looking for VOG
Level 27 Hunter, Xbox One GT RogueWarrior056 Looking for VoG and weekly activities groups.
Looking for two or more players for weekly strike. Xbox one gt is jemhadar93.
Anyone want to do the nightfall strike
Lvl 28 Titan looking for VOG GT : Dyllanus
Add HellaaDope need 2 for vault of glass
Lvl 26 hunter searching to do daily, weeklys and raids.
Need three for vault of glass on normal. Message gt: RAGEx EAgLEx
Level 27 warlock looking for Xbone friends to do things with. Mostly interested in raiding and heroic weeklies/dailies. Send friend requests to Cuxim.
Level 26 warlock, master sunsinger and voidwalker, looking for a group to do weekly heroic strikes on weekends or weekday mornings.
Looking for someone to do weekly with. Message me if interested :)
VOG. Need 1 more. Reg mode
Lf vog hard mode group/lvl 29 hunter/ inv mylitlestripper
New VOG raid, need players 27+, Gt AribitorD4
need 1 player for lvl 28 strike, lvl 27 required GT AribitorD4
The Fired Goon. lvl 27 hunter. looking for nightfall, weekly, raid players. late week, afternoon gamer, hit me up.
Hey guys I'm a Lvl 21 Hunter looking for people to play with on Xbox One! I don't have any experience with raids since I can't find anybody to play with and I have little experience with strikes if you wanna play message me. RD Gamerfreak
I need two people for weekly heroic strike lvl 22 hunter. Gt playa killaz 911
Edited by itsBeard: 10/11/2014 2:01:04 AMLooking for some people to join the weekly nightfall strike. I'm lvl 22 hunter bladedancer in with a lvl 21 warlock. We're both have mics Gamertag is Legend of Beard, send me a message and I'll invite you
Edited by Mr Atomicity: 10/11/2014 3:02:47 AMLvl 27 and looking for nightfall companions xbox one GT AribitorD4
I need people to play with and get into the vault with does anyone need a warlock to run with them
If anyone is looking to attempt the raid VoG on hard difficultly add me Gt: inferno pumpkin. Myself and friend are both 28 titans
Lvl 28 Titan always looking for something to do. GT Donker613