originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Gt lottielove... Casual gaming... On most days... Come see me =)
VvlahlalvV add me
Hi my name is YAN6M31ST3R on destiny. Lately I have been playing around the crucible and found out that skirmish is my domain, but I only got my brother to play with. Me and my brother are well indeed good and competitive gamers and I am looking for that third member of our little fire team to dominate the playlist. Need to get up to speed, I'll help with you! Please add me and when I get on, we can play! This is not a clan, just some casual gaming on the crucible, and there are no tryouts to play with us. Add me if you want to win every single skirmish game in the crucible!
Lvl 25 hunter wanna play strikes/raid =) Gamertag is the same as my username!
Hello friends, I am Grimcake and I would like to play Destiny with some of you lovely people. Add me (Grimcake) and feel free to send me a message and I will play Destiny with you for what will seem like hours on end. Maybe we will craft a beautiful friendship? Perhaps we will conquer the world (of Destiny, and then IRL)? There is only one way to find out, and it is to add me and play Destiny. With me.
I am a lvl 20 looking for anyone interested in doing strikes? message me here or on live. My GT is my username.
I'll pretty much do whatever Lvl 21 hunter Gt FullerTUBBY
Edited by UmaLPZ: 9/15/2014 10:23:27 PMI'm looking for people to play with. I usually play on weekends. lvl 21 warlock ready to play raids, strikes, crucible, and just hanging out at the tower. My GT is UmaLPZ so go ahead and send me a friend request or reply with your GT and I'll add you
GT: DarklingBMD Lvl 25 Titan. Open to help in the Crucible, Strikes, Raids, Campaign, or hang out in general.
GT: Sith Slayer 38 Lvl 20 Titan/Lvl 11 Hunter Looking for people to run strikes/raids or just do patrols with
Looking for fireteam members for weekly raid before it changes. Xbox 360, gt Link1254
Anyone friend me! Lvl 15 hunter with mic and casual play style
GT: Fierce Spainard (yes spelled wrong) Bladedancer Hunter currently level 26 and looking for people to do weeklys and raids with
Lookin for friendly people for some strikes/crucible/playinwitheachother. bigwoodjones1 Lvl 17 warlock. Feel free to add me. Boner.
Anybody for Goblin Farming in The Nexus? My name is my GT message me quick!
gt bateson14 lvl 21 warlock add me n ill play
Level 22 hunter blade spec looking for clan - on a lot 7pm GMT - 1am. GT is SlateMango, looking to raid and grind heroic strikes, also pretty good at control. GSOH, working mic. DTF.
Looking for lv 25 or higher to do weekly lv 26 strike for some strange coins My gt is Troybot I'm a lv 25 warlock
this is gonna sound stupid but where is salvage in cruicible? its not on my screen on options just the normal 4 and the iron banner....
Level 26 Voidwalker Warlock looking to do Weekly Heroic Strike (lvl 26 preferred) and Daily Heroic Story. Message or add. GT: SayNoToZombies
27 hunter xbox 360 LF hard mode daily and weekly heroic ~~~
This is a helping clan, we do it all below will be the things we have to offer and may need help with. Come join us and join in the fun. -Do tons of raids -Are always looking for new players -Are always doing weeklies -Have high leveled skilled players -In need of some admins -Have a name based founder forums -have tons of people in need of help -Have tons of people waiting to do PvP -Were on the xbox 360 Below is the clan website check it out and join, see you on the field. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/365617
Really need to do weekly strike for strange coins, I'm a level 28 titan GT Josheepee
Doing the final boss of vault of glass looking for three people GT DottyBike on 360 level 28 warlock
Lv 26 hunter max both subclasses looking for people or even a clan to do weeklys, crucibles, dailys, strikes, raids, and just to have fun. GT: Torn Vengeance. i am currently online .
Weekly nightfall. Lvl 27 hunter here. Gt is zzz voitage zzz