originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Weekly nightfall. Lvl 27 hunter here. Gt is zzz voitage zzz
Looking to game. Lvl 27 Titan Striker Not really interested in crucible. Other than that, I'm down for whatever.
Lvl 24 titan just invite
Level 25 Warlock, looking for a weekly strike or anything else pve. No mic at the moment. GT: Kriskoff
Level 26 Titan. My buddy is level 22 and needs help leveling up. Add "FALL3N ANG3L360" and "wwe is aw3some" if you wanna help us with Strike missions.
Level 24 Titan (Both Sub-Classes) with mic Xbox 360 Gamertag: lRGCl Frostbite Looking for raids, Queen's Wrath, and Weekly/Daily strikes. Also open to Crucible and general fun.
lvl 25 striker looking for people to do vault of glass message back if interested
Queen's Wrath kill orders, gt is Bladetrigger
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/376619 Hello all my fello guardians, I am here to try and recruit some guardians you must be a 25 plus(I am 28) and you Gotta Be a Really Cool Guy or Gal looking forward to all you guys tring to join I P.S You Gotta be Cool Thank You - Fizzy
Gt: LaidbackBardock LVL 25 Hunter BladeDancer Looking for five people to do the VoG Mics preferred
Just lookin for people to play with and i need to do VoG i was at fonal boss then people left... hit me up with a driend request gt is II MedicBear II
Looking for people to play with. We can doing anything exept crucible. Lvl 27 warlock, voidwalker/sun singer Gt: Mad Prophet 217 Mic: yes MSG if you are interested
Hey all lvl 26 titan here lookin for raid party I have raid experience on my 28 hunter and have exotic auto rifles along with all three slots void damage message me if you need an extra player (:
My gamertag is CAYMANIZER all caps lvl 25 hunter gunslinger maxed working on bladedancer
I'm TopBarrel7534
Edited by DrakenGuardDGM: 10/5/2014 7:10:20 PMGT: DrakenguardDgm level 27 Hunter looking to do Weekly Strikes, Nightfall and VOG. I have both Gunslinger and Blade Dance maxed out, on the verge of getting to level 28. Send me a message first if you want me to join. Thank you
Edited by smyshock: 10/5/2014 9:33:57 PMSmyshock here I host games and I definitely will get the job done if anyone needs help or even some funny jokes don't just keep looking because you found the perfectionist xbox 360
Level 25 Warlock, looking for a weekly strike or anything else pve. No mic at the moment. GT: Kriskoff
lvl 27 warlock Gt: Pugslysparks Looking for nightfall weeklys and vault of glass raid groups. Feel free to message or add me.
Edited by Poseidon: 10/5/2014 11:26:05 PMLooking for people to do Exotic Bounty Mission, A Light in the Dark. Need help killing Xyor. Need people who know what they are doing. (If you don't know what you're doing. Don't worry, I know what we do for it all. It's hard, but not impossible.) Msg me here or msg my GT. Gt: CaptainDistarli Must be Level 26+, sorry level 25s.
looking for 3 more players for VoG, currently have a level 28 warlock & titan and a level 27 hunter. want to do raid tomorrow around 6/7PM GMT, message me on here or my x360: Samii1995
New guy looking for s few people to help show me the ropes. Lvl 8 Hunter. Gamertag: scissorhands87 EST North Carolina I use a mic
looking for people to do weekly nightfall strike and possibly VOG to get good gear... willing to join clans as well also have mic..... xbox 360 tho gt is same as name... level 25 hunter
Whats up. Im a lvl 25 titian about to be 26. Looking to do the weekly things and VoG. I have defender class maxed. Right now im goin hardcore on crucible to get better guns for VoG. I got one friend ready for VoG. Add me gt: GilliedxSniper
Hey, level 27 Warlock, maxed Voidwalker. Looking for people to do VoG. Full team would be great. Gt:DrHarryDR
Hey, add me, crazilysane97 on 360, I'm warlock and good at strikes, I play a lot, so message me and we'll team up