originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Looking to do nightfall or weekly heroic 28 warlock invite me! Gt same as name
Lf one more for weekly nightfall and weekly strike to join us, message waadey x
lvl 25 hunter done gunslinger now on bladedancer im looking for people to do weekly misions , farming for engrams, crucible, nightfall, and potentially VOG my gt is my username add me, message me or send me an inv.
Lvl 25 warlock. Down for whatever, pvp or pve. Gt: pandaklerik
Looking to do VoG or just play with people add me, Darksider536
Looking for one more to help finish a raid. On the last boss. Lvl 27 or up please
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] VoG at around 11.00pm nz time GT MercenaryPickle
Looking for 3 people to do the raid with lv 26 atleast plz
looking for strike/vog players crucible skill is extra :) GT: Aahyin
Looking for VoG group at atheon MSG Heisenberg 7890
Looking for Xbox one daily heroic and weekly strikes. Will be on in 30 minutes add me Borchez
Looking for VoG group
I am at Atheon the final part of the raid on level 30 hard. Looking for any level 29-30 to beat him with.
Add FaintlyOriginal for strikes and dailies. Level 24 hunter, trying to find more legendary gear to finally do VoG.
Level 26 (will be 27 later today) hunter on Xbox one. Looking mostly for a raid team, but I'm up for everything. GT is cobra frogger. Add me, and I will add you.
Lvl 29 hunter/ lvl 28 Titan/ lvl 27 titan looking for three others who are lvl 27 or higher. Must have mic and must be on xbox one Msg me on xbox one if you are interested Gt mylitlestripper
looking for one more person to do the vault of glass must be level 27 and above with mike messge: Ludobico III
Level 27 Titan looking for 1-2 to do daily mission on 28, weekly strike, and possibly even nightfall now/asap. Gamer tag: KiLa Taylor
Looking to do the nightfall 27 titan Tag: CTZYX
Edited by The 10th Divine: 10/4/2014 11:37:21 PMMy friend and i are looking for 4 people for the vault of glass. My GT is The 10th Divine or my friend XxOLD GUARDxX.
looking for one more person for vog
We need one person for VoG We have... 3 Titans lvl 28, 25, 26 1 Hunter lvl 26 1 Warlock lvl 27 We lost our 6th person and we want to continue We are at the Templar
Lvl 24 warlock. Down for whatever. Gt: PandaKlerik
GT: Bear of Storms. Playing from Germany. Drop me a message if you are a frequent player.
Add me if you ever wanna play mrodriguez13