originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Anyone wanna run VoG? I'm a lvl 27 titan looking for a team, add me GT: Josheepee
Edited by FoulMantis: 9/24/2014 7:23:55 AMAdd [b]FoulMantis[/b] for a good time! [b]27 Warlock, both subclasses[/b] maxed, several exotics. PvE and PvP, also willing to group for alt leveling. [b]Have mic[/b], my voice cuts sometimes but I can hear fine. [b]Follow orders[/b] for now, willing to give them once I've farmed a bit more confidence.
Level 24 hunter looking for people to play with, I raid, pvp and farm!
lvl 26 hunter looking to raid GT: Dizzlebang
Looking for friends to add for raids. I am 34 and prefer to play with gamers that are 25 or older. I'm a level 20 Titan. GT Zoot Suit Jedi. PS- Please put "Destiny" in the friend request. Peace.
Lvl 24 Hunter looking for raids. Gt PrettyWhelp5514 add me
looking for people for vault of glass raid 26+ level 27 warlock
I'm a level 25 Hunter and I'm 19 years old. I have a mic and I'm not a shy person. I'm looking for people to play with 24/7 if interested add me my GT is the same as my name.
Edited by RobWilliamson23: 9/23/2014 6:19:46 AMI'm a 23 defender titan looking to start getting into raiding here when I finish gearing up. I'm a 22 year old with a Mic and capable of teamwork and have been briefly learning the mechanics in VoG. Add me if you need another person to raid RPC XSoopamanX
Edited by Ares: 10/3/2014 2:18:38 AMLooking for Aussies level 27+ for raids an anything else add zzRESTRICTEDzz im level 29 hunter :)
I'm a level 25 titan looking to raid, strike, or farm add GT: JO3ZOMBIE
Up and coming lvl 21 warlock. 33 years old, have mic. prefers evening play up to 10pm eastern time. Looking to start raiding. Add me.
Hey I'm a level 16 warlock looking for some fun people to complete the campaign with, currently a Martian, my gamer tag is achievedcoin89 if you wanna play
level 26 hunter looking for help with the thorn bounty strike, message me Tradingzero88 if you're interested
-We love to have fun -Were always doing weeklys -Are always looking to help people -Have tons of people who are in need of help -Were a family just as much as we are a clan -Always looking towards new members -PvP is always up for someone in the clan -Raiding is a priority -We do tons of queen missions -Love to just good off Sorry if the other posts are getting annoying but hey if you get tired of em tell me in a private message and I won't send you anymore. Peace out guys and good luck on Destiny, also don't forget to join!!! Heres the link http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/365617
Doing the final boss of vault of glass looking for three people GT DottyBike on 360 level 28 warlock
Hey y'all! I'm looking to recruit cool people for my clan, Blood of the Ahamkaras. My goal: I want this clan to be an awesome experience for every member. I'm trying to create a drama-free, relaxed environment where players of all skill levels and play styles can come together and make friends, help each other, [b]above all have fun[/b], and to promote positive relationships/alliances with other clans. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please feel free to message me! I look forward to seeing you all out there, Guardians. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/442869
Level 27 Blade Dancer Hunter, I'll join you and do anything you need help with, just message me and say you're from the group. Quick note, not that big of a fan of Crucible but I'll play it. GT: Dark Legion SSS
Looking for a group to do the raid. GT TornadoApollo lvl 27 hunter.
Looking for people to go vault raiding
Doing the final boss of vault of glass looking for three people GT DottyBike on 360
GT: By Defau1t (the l is a one) Level 23 Hunter and has a mic, up for anything!
Edited by ijkledkrtmfgekr: 9/30/2014 5:06:57 AMHey, looking for people to do strikes, kill orders and missions with. Level 25 Hunter and good with a sniper. Not huge into talking though, no mic. Send me a message on 360 if your interested, gamer tag is "ijkledkrtmfgekr".
Lvl 28 'lock with mic, both sub-classes maxed, looking for chill people to game with; mainly raids/strikes etc.(I'm pretty terrible at Crucible XD) Would especially like to finally beat the Vault this week if possible... Feel free to add me, Gamertag: MacFly9363
Hey im a level 27 warlock message me if you need anything gt- WWG GRUMPIEST