originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
I'm a level 24 hunter looking for people to play with or more preferably a group to do weekly strikes with and all that. My friends suck and no ones ever on. I'm on almost all the time. I'm 19 and I have a mic. If you're looking to pick up another member for your fireteam add me, my GT is DaUncoChhims.
Lvl 20 hunter with mic. Looking for people to raid with
Edited by BrokenGOOF: 9/19/2014 3:30:31 AMLvl 12 Hunter looking for people to play with :P GT is ^^^
Looking for lv26 player or higher to finish raid! GT HTK x LEGEND4
On most days, just looking to have some fun. I have a mic and have a level 21 hunter. GT: Deathhed
Level 20 looking for people to play with that want to raid, daily/weekly challenges, strike playlist, or farming for items to level up! Play often and have mic. Not hard core, but pretty good. Send me a message, GT: warmaster1300
lvl 20 almost 21 I'm usually on through 4:30-11:00 P.M. and sometimes in the morning 6:00-8:00 GT:BOBdaPOTATO
Hey, I have a level 26 Titan, looking for anyone to get groups together for raids and other various missions. Please add me: lordofjokes
Edited by Rick Smits: 9/19/2014 6:25:47 PMLVL 18 Titan. I have a mic and I'm looking for people to play the game with. Add me if you have a microphone. (Rick Smits)
Still looking for a group to do the Vault of Glass raid. Currently a level 25 titan. If anyone needs a 5th, or has some other people who could join us, message/friend me on xbox. GT: Jester1194.
lvl 26 close to lvl 27 warlock looking for people to add me and do the raid sometime let me know love you all :D
Welcome fellow followers/clan mates. My name is Zach and do I have an opportunity for you. All this time on the forums all I have read about is raiding and PvP and strikes for clans, now don't get me wrong those or some pretty cool things to do in a clan and we will be doing lots of those input clan. But what I haven't read a whole lot about is like a family clan. A clan to where you can just come and talk and goof off, now that's a clan. And a family, we run off the Xbox 360 and would love to have anyone come join so don't wait. My GT is F34R ObliVIoN, and here's our clans website http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/365617 come check us out, good luck guardians.
I'm level 25 Titan I need of people to play with anyone needs a hand with anything gt TN II Tamintor
I'm lvl 26 Hunter fully upgraided sharpshooter, almost fully upgraded bladedancer. Looking for group to raid. Gaimertag RISEN UA
Level 21 warlock. Open to group for anything.
GT: Beasttrainer Level 22 hunter up for crucible, strike or anything for that matter, just add me.
Hey everybody! I'm looking to find a fire-team to tackle the Vault of Glass. I have a lvl 27 sunslinger warlock, and also a lvl 24 striker titan. I play on the xbox 360 gamertag FlagellarFir35
Gt:popup2472000 I do have a mic and lvl 21 warlock and 21 hunter
Im a lvl 24 Titan searching for people to play with, right now to do the Queen's wrath events. If you wanna play hit me up on GT: candycartelcccc. I'm swedish so someone in a close timezone would be awesome but i don't mind the rest of you too.
Hi guys. I am lvl 27 Hunter. Fully upgraded in both Gunslinger and Bladedancer subclasses. Looking for people to play with and go through Raids. My Gamertag is RISEN UA
Hey guys, I'm a lvl 26 warlock from the Netherlands looking for a team for strikes and Queens Wrath thingy. My gamertag is: maximeester Add me if you want te do things together, if you know what I mean ^^ haha no, but I need a team..
Lvl 27 warlock looking to do VoG, GT is WolfmanGoblin
Edited by GhostGoneDark: 9/24/2014 2:59:44 PMI'm a level 26 Warlock, I am both a Void Walked and Sun Slinger. I am looking for people to do the weekly strikes and raids with as I don't have many friends on destiny. I am 22 years old and I have a working mic. I'm almost always on when I'm not working. Add me my GT: GhostGoneDark
I am a level 26/27 Titan gt is DragoxWolf257
gamer tag: A Feared Soul looking for: raid teams to join in and help with events (such as the queen quest things) I am a titan, witch i max both classes mostly play defender Hope to get to join in your fire team!
Looking for a raid team, add me. GT is same as username. Lvl 25 hunter