originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Edited by Depression,Ender Of Life: 9/22/2014 10:52:48 PMLooking for lvl26+ to help me with my exotic weapon mission Mission is moons strike mission very hard
I'm a level 23 Warlock. Looking for people to do the Vault of Glass raid with! GT: Hawk Hornet. I don't have a mic
Edited by Necro19: 9/22/2014 9:42:23 PMLVL 24 hunter looking for people party with for any thing I have a few exotic items and bad ass rocket launcher.
Level 26 hunter and warlock looking for 27 + for raid!
Looking for strike players I'm a lvl 24 Titan gt is CUPID59CDO add me and message me and I'll add you to the fireteam I'm doing the strikes as I have a exotic bounty where I can't die in 5 strikes so will be lvl 18 till after the bounties finished and then will be on hardest strike
Level 26 hunter looking for people to raid, strike, and run crucible. Feel free to add me. Xbox GT: Peoplops (hope youre not dyslexic haha)
Edited by MooseJonas: 9/22/2014 4:11:26 PMLevel 21 Warlock Looking for players any level to do all Venus and Mars with message GT: LiLMadders. XBOX ONE
Level 27 hunter looking for people to group with for any activities. SaladT0ss ^this is a zer0 this is an O
Looking for people to do vault of glass. lvl 27 hunter and lvl 27 warlock. Need 4 more at least level 25 GT= Nighthawk5523. Msg if interested
Lvl 24 warlock playing for fun and to get more legendary gear I wanna find some other people who like playing with other people. Preferably people who enjoy bad puns. GT: SuperBigD60
Just started a new clan and are looking for new members. Clan name is the Thunder Kraken!
Edited by DaveNotRodney: 9/22/2014 12:21:03 PMLooking for people to play Destiny with. General Story fire teams and raids. Only lvl 8 at the minute, I'm usually on UK time about 9PM Gt = davenotrodney
Edited by emansoriano19: 9/22/2014 11:47:43 AMlvl 24 titan here, need help with lvl 26 exotic bounty: summoning pits also looking for new players to raid/strike/pvp/vog with feel free to add me! Gt: darelhal
need help with lvl 26 moon strike for an exotic
Edited by emansoriano19: 9/22/2014 4:03:52 AM
Started a new topic: LF players to do all, pve/pvp, raids/strikes/crucible etc. on XBONE
Lvl 21 Warlock looking for teammates to play with, mostly PvE. Have a mic GT: FuturLlama
Hey guys, don't forget to set your clan as Xbox so we can get it off probation.
Hey guys add me at ElliottRE if you want to play. Lvl 23 warlock. Looking for people to do the weekly strikes with
Lvl 26 Hunter looking for raiding team Gt:Hgs1921
Need 2 for weekly strike on level 22 difficulty
Going to do vault of glass today if we get six people, we have 3 spots left so if u want to join add me DaniielTheBeast any rank and class is fine!
Who wants to try vault of glass I got 2 other people? Need 3 more I'm a level 26 warlock
Hi, i need 5 people tô the raid lvl 26, I'm lvl 26 gt: NeexT L3GenDz
Need people to do Raid with, and to do weekly challenges for my exotic bounty. Level 25 Titan, GT = Bennehdict.
I need to do a raid with 5 more people I'm lvl 26 hunter msg OpTic Scoped OG