originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
I need to do a raid with 5 more people I'm lvl 26 hunter msg OpTic Scoped OG
My gamertag is xl PMAC lx im a level 25 warlock looking to possibly do vault of glass soon.
Edited by MythicalWrinkle : 9/21/2014 6:01:40 PMLooking for four people to do the vault of glass with am a level 27 warlock. GT MythicalWrinkle
looking for people to play with add me chocolately 25 warlock
Looking for a raid team. Lvl 26 hunter got mic. Message game tag above
Need two or three more for a full raid group
Edited by Disco Stu 91: 9/21/2014 3:27:28 PMCurrently lvl 26 Titan. Looking for raiding team! Add me pls. Xbox One w mic. Thx!
Level 25 warlock looking to join a fire team to do the weekly strike or raids. Add me: Grouchies
Looking for people to do the weekly strikes with! Add me: Deh Lara. Im a level 25 hunter
Looking to raid with some people. Message me GT xdrewx11
need some help on the weekly heroic strike i am a level 25 hunter on xbox one
Edited by Sixk: 9/21/2014 8:26:08 AMAnyone else beat the raid and the mission complete timer freeze at 0 and you not load out of the game and not get the reward for completing besides the shader?
Add me for help in anything. Just sent the invite, I'd be happy to help. GT is same as username.
We need a 6th for the last boss of the vault of glass. Lost a man due to Internet outage. Add toastmetal. We'll have this done in about an hour -hour and a half.
Five hours attempting the vault solo later, I still need help
Add me to run some content GT: KILLA DUDDE
Looking for 2 people to do last boss fight for VoG Monday at around 12pm (mst) message me for an invite. GT: zzfallenherozz
Edited by ESKRIMA 00: 9/21/2014 2:29:34 AMVault of glass 1 more titan 26+
Edited by sic.salem: 9/21/2014 2:26:09 AMNeed one more for raid. Lvl 26+ prefer titan. Will accept lock or hunter though
Looking to fill spots for raid. Lvl 26 minimum. We'd prefer prot titans but will accept anyone at least 26
Looking for a team for vault if glass. Level 27 hunter. GT: XIXxR34P3RxXIX
Need three more people for the vault of glass! Friendly, dedicated gamers who can joke around and keep the mood light. Add toastmetal. Looking to start in 30 mjnutes!
Need 2 more Guardians for Weekly Heroic Strike on Level 26, please reply!
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!i play on xbox one, lvl 23 hunter GT: Devin Ozias
Hello everyone, currently doing part on vault of glass but need 3 more people to join and help out. only level 26+ and preferably a warlock and 2 titans, we don't need anymore hunters. & microphones are required.. :)