originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Hey guys. My Gamertag is King Zeke 17. Add me and lets play.
Edited by CalmMarksman: 9/19/2014 9:56:51 PMGT:CalmMarksman. 25 almost 26 Warlock
xbone GT: fericfirefeathe 21 warlock the weekly lvl 22 strike and the raid from 5:00 to about 2:00
I am a level 27 warlock need team for vault anyone wanna play?
GT: Boltzilla1322
26+ hunter today will be 27 Looking for team For nightfall/weekly strikes And raids
Edited by KujaSora: 9/19/2014 8:06:58 PMXBone GT: KujaSora 24 Hunter Looking do to weekly/daily challenge today after 7p cst.
Does anybody want to do the level 26 weekly strike
Hey guys, I just hit 26 and I want to do the raid. Need five more people preferably level 26. Lvl 25 minimum. Add me at GT: XIXxR34P3RxXIX
Level 25 Defender looking for some people to do the raid with. gamer tag is Chief Moha message me :)
Hi guys. Level 20 hunter nd i can really use help on the daily/weekly gt: noblekush97
Anybody need help with anything? Bored after completing so trying to help anyone I can. Level 21 warlock, but aged 13. Xbox One, gt: ShadZ x PulsezZ
Edited by DDohD: 9/18/2014 6:16:22 PMHey everybody, just got my Xbox 1 and destiny, already a lvl 25 hunter but no friends to play with :p. if anyone's looking for chills and games hit me up GT: DDoDSkiilzMcgee Look forward to seeing you on the battlefield ! :) Ps I'm not a squeaky little kid (no on likes those)
Howdy guys. Level 25 Hunter looking for an active and fun fireteam. I mainly focus on strikes and want to get to work on the raids. I'm from the UK so I'm on at that time zone I guess. Wouldn't mind skyping and stuff as well, it's all good.
Looking for clan to do anything with. Level 24 hunter Xbox one: o M A L Ax add me if interested in me joining a clan !
Check out my group "The Warsong Clan" we are a small group looking for people for everything destiny has to offer (raids, strikes, crucible, dailys and weeklys).
Can anyone explain how this group works??
Hi, We are new Group/Clan looking for members: Xone UK We are for Xbox One players of all skill levels, preferably able to play weekends and evenings, nothing too serious and started by 2 dads so interuptions from kids and other halves are fine to be worked around while we wait for you.
Lvl 23 Titan looking for people to do the daily and weekly. Msg Original Playa1 on xb1
Xbox One: Pie Beer and Breasts are recruiting for raids. If anyone are looking for a raiding and crucible clan then we are now actively seeking members for our wolfpack.
Hey guys level 25 warlock keen to do the weekly heroic within the next two hours. If anyone else wants to do it add me.
Lvl 24 warlock need helb for lvl 22 weekly
Add me. I'll be on here in just a little bit. I have a mic and I'm lvl 24 almost 25
In need of fire team buddies I play both vanguard and crucible. Lvl 26 warlock. GT bigpoppyyy add me! Currently wanting to farm nexus/weekly heroic
Add "lazylobbon" if in need for help in raids and weekly challenges,have a mic and happy too play with anyone ,level 24 hunter
Edited by SGT NUM NTZ 03: 9/18/2014 6:37:09 PMNeed 4 guys for 6 man raid tonight around 8pm west coast time send me message SGT NUM NUTZ 03 let's do this !