originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Add me-iyo5hiii im up for anything lvl20 warlock. Down for raids, strikes and patrols. But im down for whatever.
Hunter Bladedancer lvl 24, Im looking for teammates. Doing runs for lootchest & farming engrams ! Add me =) i captaink i
Name on 360 is e4e karma and I'm looking for a raid team
Need raid team
Level 19 Warlock. Looking for other adults (21+) for Fireteam.
Hey guys, any British players here? My gt is Cottonsocks101
Lvl 22 hunter looking for people for weekly heroic strike
Gt: Mr Schieck Lvl 23 hunter want to do the weekly challenge mission with people
I'm level 26,hunter looking for people to do Lvl 28 strike
Level 19 hunter xbox 360 SpacyTerminator
Level 26 Hunter, need a few people to want to do a midnight run of the Vault of Glass on the Tuesday it comes out (so we will be doing it as soon as it comes out) [i][u][b]Level 26 + only[/b][/u][/i] as it will be difficult. Gamertag is I Primordial I ( capital 'i' s) Message with offers.
Edited by THE Big T 619: 9/14/2014 8:37:39 AMN7 Big T N7
Anyone looking to group up for anything always willing to help Lvl 20 hunter GT- ILLxLinkinDeath
Hey fellow Roosterteeth lovers. Gamertag is Killdai. What am I? Rank 24(almost 25) Hunter who comes out top constantly. Impatient for vault of glass and oh yeah. Mess up some stuff with me guys?
GT: Cblankin15 im a lvl 23
GT: Casualdoom12, Lvl 12 Titan. Would like to do the Moon Strike. Feel free to send a friend request if you want to help out.
Hey Guardians! If you're looking to join a Rooster Teeth group with OPEN clans, go here: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/265159
Anyone low / high levels need help? Im a 24 warlock. Just send me an invite, my GT is ~ i Crysis ix
Just starting playing. Hunter, level 3 gamer tag: jesselol8
Looking for equal levels willing to play destiny. I have a level 12 Titan, level 11 hunter, and a level 4 warlock.
GT: DaMuffinGobbler, Level 25 Titan. If anyone wants to join a fire team for the weekly strikes and to prepare for the raid send me a message letting me know who you are and add me.
Currently a level 21 titan. Looking for other players around my level to play with. Please have a mic and be 18 or older, no squeakers. GT: Jester1194. Send me a friend request if interested.
Gamertag: darthstronius. Lvl 24 Hunter, lvl 2 Titan, and lvl 2 Warlock. If any needs a hand with a strike or raid, or is looking to run the story with someone, just send an invite or friend request
Looking for people to group up with and complete the weekly strikes, I am a lvl 20 hunter GT is iTinyyy