originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Edited by SGT NUM NTZ 03: 9/18/2014 6:37:09 PMNeed 4 guys for 6 man raid tonight around 8pm west coast time send me message SGT NUM NUTZ 03 let's do this !
lvl 26 titan defender lfg for raid or nightfall weekly GT ashleyk3
Level 25 hunter looking for weekly heroic and raid group. My Xbox live name is: biff mclarge Feel free to add me. I play evenings and I'm on pacific time.
Lvl 24 almost 25 Titan looking for a raid group. Tag is DominoeUSMC
How's it going lvl 24 warlock looking for a group to play with I'm a US Marine stationed in japan so I'd be able to play in the early AM stateside time and on weekends whenever GT XmosquitowingsX hit me up
Whats the max level?
Hey guys add me DarkFlames54
Lvl 24 hunter. Mic enabled. Gt: "L Reid L"
Have a level 24 Hunter if anyone wants to do strike missions and im also leveling up a warlock currently at level 6 thanks to the Cryptarch giving me all warlock items. GT:Valkour13
Level 26 titan- looking for a fire team members for VOG. GT- Spartan 1181 Group- http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/285827
I'm looking for a dedicated group to do Vault of Glass, I'm a level 26 Titan with striker maxed and defender getting there. The best times for me to raid would be after work at 11pm-4am (Mountain Time Zone (UTC-07:00). I need people who are skilled and willing to communicate and stick through it. I'm about to head to work but if this sounds like you just add me to your friends list and we can chat when I get on later. GT: OmniPhillips
Edited by Smudgeboy17: 9/18/2014 5:27:09 PMlooking to do both the weekly strikes this evening, be on for the next few hours. Message me if interested gt: smudgeboy17 Level 25 titan in EU
Can anyone help me with the light in the dark bounty last part on Xbox one need level 26-28 preferably
Hey guys why not find some new people to chill and hit up with. Gt is AngryBunny13625 Ps not a little kid I'm 18
Looking for weekly strike team on XB1. I do not have a mic. Level 23 hunter. Add me gt: James Isnt Cool
Anyone want to get the Strength of the Pack achievement? I need just two more from here. GT: xdrewx11
Edited by HEROOOOOS: 9/18/2014 9:08:07 AMHi need guys for chill and hit up . HEROOOOOS lvl 24 warlock add me ;)
Looking for players to do weekly heroic strike add me Daventure time. On atm
Looking for people to play with. Level 22 Titan. GT - XavierTheGreatt
I'm look for people run the week strike gamer tag is King2Resilience
Started a new topic: Looking for Raid Group. 25 Warlock.(6 Replies))
Looking for ppl to do weekly heroic strike, I'm lvl 26 warlock. HMU GT:Tb0uns
Looking for 2 more people to do Vault of Glass raid. We are trying to start at 1030. skype and mic is required. Message me here or on Xbox, GT: SwayingZero0
Anyone need help with the last phase of an exotic weapon bounty? If so then we can help each other because I need help with one too. Message gt "BaconPancakes 1" I'm a level 27 Titian
I need help with last phase of Thorn anyone 26+ who can help that would be sweet! GT: zzfallenherozz Lvl 26 warlock