originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Looking for people to group up with and complete the weekly strikes, I am a lvl 20 hunter GT is iTinyyy
Edited by disnation: 9/13/2014 4:40:11 PMLooking for 2 people for strange coin anyone want to join?
Add me "GETzapped" if you wanna hang out and play some crucible!!
Looking for 2 people in this clan to do a strike with, without dying. There are two achievements tied to this, and I would really appreciate the help! Gamertag: minidude442 (xbox 360)
Long time Rooster Teeth and Bungie fan playing on the 360 and looking for people to play with. Gamertag: Grimbriar 71
lvl 24 titan. Anyone wants someone to play with them I will happily join them
Lv. 23 Warlock add me
Yoshiebee, looking to play with people anytime!
Looking for people to do strike mission and weekly challenges, send me a message i'm a exo warlock lvl 20 GT Falco886
Add me psycho2525
GT: KumagaiEP Various parts of my body are ready.
Add me: Proxy x EoX
All 360 players should add me. Looking for people to have fun with. Raids, strikes, patrols. Etc. GT: PIKACHUnKETCHUP
Looking for 2 people to do the weekly strike with if you can send me a message GT TheLazzygamers
GT insane gaker Level 10 hunter Looking to play some story missions, strikes and scout missions
Patmanwolfen xbox 360 add me. Lvl 20 hunter looking for weekly heroic strike team.
Edited by Lazzygamer: 9/12/2014 8:44:33 PMGT TheLazzygamers Exo Titan LVL 21 Open for anything can mic if needed just ask. I prefer PvE and just random exploring, but I am not terrible at PvP. Also willing to help new people lvl up.
Edited by theCPU101: 9/13/2014 1:22:38 AMJust got my pre order in feel free to add me at theCPU101 I am a Titan. btw on weekdays I can't play due to school but other than that I'm free!
GT: JediMoleRat lvl 20 Warlock, lvl 14 hunter
Hunter lvl 23 Cripta Cris add me
Edited by NinjaWithHoodie: 9/13/2014 1:00:13 AMNinjaWithHoodie hunter, LET'S PLAY!
Edited by maxro: 9/12/2014 11:46:36 PMGT: freezrweedsteez Level 22 Striker, starting out a Warlock as well. Trying to do some of the tougher strikes, would also love some help finding golden chests!
Lvl 23 hunter, trying to get as much rep as possible, hmu D Nolan16, with the space
GT: murbeft23 Level 14 Titan I'm always looking for people to play with so feel free to add me!
GamerTag: SG272 Level 20 Gunslinger Looking for help with getting Vanguard Marks and Rep.