originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
I need help with last phase of Thorn anyone 26+ who can help that would be sweet! GT: zzfallenherozz Lvl 26 warlock
Looking to do vault of glass. Need three more ppl. Add vtg xcloverx Im a lvl 26 hunter.
Looking for ppl to play with
looking for people to play with im level 11 or 12 cnt remember lol GT DATSLIMSHODY
Need help with weekly heroic strike mission Lvl 24 hunter GT iiHD TROLLINGii
Lvl 25 hunter looking for lvl 26 heroic strike group. Gt is same as my name
I'm a lvl 26 Titan with legendary weapons an gear looking for a team to run the VOG with please reply I need help. :) thank you
Msg me at TaylorTooSwift so we can do the weekly strikes
Hit me up for any raids or strikes GT Dartt36 level 25 Titan
I need five ppl to help work together to beat the vault of glass send RunningxPiggies a message for invite :)
XBOne: lvl 24 hunter looking for fireteam on weekly strike GT: RIIICO LAA
Add me xbox 1 ( chiief rocka ) I'm a lvl 26 hunter ! I played 9 hours straight last night me and my ppl are on the final boss ! Also look at my upload clips please I'll like back !
Looking to do weekly strike mission lvl 24 warlock, add me CulturalHydra35
Looking for ppl to do weekly strikes with. Level 24 warlock. GT is colston21
24 Titan looking for players to do weekly strikes for strange coins. Can only go 1/3 solo before I quit. tag is: xpcrusader add me please and I'll get to you as quickly as possible Note; we dont have to use the mic (I preferably do without) Thanks
Hey, I'm a level 25 Gunslinger Hunter looking to do the Weekly Heroic Strike! GT: EuanBad
looking for group for weekly heroic strike and attempting vog level 26 titan kouron88 is tag
Looking for 2 ppl doing weekly nightfall. I'm lvl 27 hunter. GT:Hotbow
Xbox one level 6 warlock to go through story and strikes with gt jackduff1987
Looking for people to do raids, and eventually nightfall strike. Lvl 25 hunter. GT: xdrewx11
Just hit 26 need a raid team message or friend request my GT is my name here im
yo, I'm a level 24 hunter trying to do hard weekly heroic strike to get 6 strange coins, or whatever. Looking for some good players to form a team with for it. My gamer tag is Im Koopa Troopa / add me or message me if you want to and are interested. :)
Warlock level 23.....looking for people to play with!
X1 chef 1x. LFG. Lvl 23 def Titan with mic
GT: lawson36 I'll be on later, only level 21 hunter right now.
level 23 hunter LFG, as soon as I hit 26 a raid group