originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox 360. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
GamerTag: SG272 Level 20 Gunslinger Looking for help with getting Vanguard Marks and Rep.
GT: Sabr3 3X Level 23 Bladedancer Just looking for people to play with whether it be strikes, pvp, story, or you just need help leveling up
Looking for PVP teams mates!!! (Skirmish/control/salvage) Gamertag: Ywnk
Gt: Liquid Raven Lvl 21 Warlock Doing strikes and pvp
GT: Ze Clocker Hunter Bladedancer 21 I mostly do story and strikes
MachineGunPiza hunter lvl 9 looking forward to play PvP and PvE =D
GT: HiddenSnake117 Warlock - Sunsinger - 17 LFG for quests/pve/strikes
GT: Eignitz Hunter 23 Mexico XD
GT: BleedMeWKD17 about to start playing, just picked up my copy.
GT: Aarons Unleash Titan lvl 10, looking for some gamers to do missions and pvp with. Send me a friend request, or a message. I will be on later. :P
GT: BleachHell64 Add me up and let's play sometime! :) I do strikes mainly and story mode, occasionally crucible. Hunter class level: 24 Warlock class level: 2
Anyone wanna do a Venus strike with me? I'm level 19 Defender Titan and my gamertag is CordlessJet, so if anyone wants to blast some Vex, slap me a friend request :D
Gt: StanleytheDino Worlock level 20 looking for a few story missions. feel free to add me
GT: Skulduggery24 looking to find some people to play a few story missions with wont be on until late Class: level 9 hunter
GT: Ribcopterz007 looking for new clan members and I am a Titan
Edited by Sketched Gecko: 9/12/2014 8:47:03 PMGT: Sketched Gecko LFG: Strike, Raid, Story. Class: L20+ TItan Feel free to add me, I'm busy playing Destiny.
Lvl 10 warlock lookin for anyone that wants to make up a fireteam on 360. GT is takedownmstr , see ya at the tower everyone!
If you're looking to gain crucible marks, crucible rank, and vanguard rank. I'm going to grind tonight add me if interested GT: Zz FIG zZ
Edited by Fischy00789: 9/12/2014 9:13:17 PMAdd me fischy00789 on 360. I'm a level 20 hunter.
Lvl 20 titan striker looking for people for the PvE primarily and hopefully run some raids when they launch. I am on 360 GT is HappyMonkeyking am on most of the time and available for helping anyone out if they need it. Can mic if needed or wanted. Only have the 360 version though.
GT: GarrustheSpectr Level 21 Hunter Gunslinger. Later tonight I'll be grinding for Vanguard gear and strange coins, feel free to add me!
Edited by MPXRodolfo: 9/12/2014 8:51:04 PMIf anyone may want, I found a website (in portuguese) with all the grimoire, shaders and emblem codes for the game. If you know how to submit these codes, all codes will be unlocked for every account you linked to this Bungie.net account, completely legal and free to use....the rest you know how to do. Peace!
Lvl 20 Hunter Gunslinger/Bladedancer here looking for people to PvE and PvP with. This weekend I will be grinding for Strange Coins. Add me: Dharodan I am on Xbox 360. PS: If anyone needs help with a level, boss, build etc, feel free to ask me for help. Regardless of what console you use. :D
Once I get the game, I'll be sure to let you know. I just wanted to join this while I still can.
STLBlue55 also on XBONE
Looking for some new people to play with. Lvl 2 Titan. Just bought Destiny last night. Gt: MetaLJunki3