originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
My fiancé and I just bought a new PS4 for destiny and I only know like 5 people with it. I'm just looking for some friends to play with since I work graveyard and they are usually asleep when I get a chance to play. Yes, I am a girl and please be courteous and understanding.
Hey guys feel free to add me id: joshuandoval Im level 23 warlock,
Level 25 titan. PSN ryan1141 add if you want to play
I will join anyone clan (gguuu2)
Chartovar warlock 25 ps4
Psn : dark_halcyon96 26 warlock
I will join your clan
Hey lvl 25 warlock always on in the evening during weekdays. Always looking for decent players to team up with. Psn ID: Fiflegend
Edited by Psymaverick01: 9/18/2014 1:54:52 PMadd me PSN: Psymaverick01 im a warlock
Hey guys I'm new to ps4 got it with game so like a few people looking for people to play with my psn smiliebean2006 at the moment I have a lvla 25 Titan / lvl 25 warlock / lvl 26 hunter so add me if your keen to play
I close most nights so I'm normally up pretty late. Psn is Big Boy914.
My PSN is Shade641 I play late a lot so feel free to add meh. Lvl 24 hunter almost 25
Lethal Gaming recruiting, here you can join a great group right here, ppl ready for raids and strikes/crucible : http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/231594
How do you post stuff
Psn is BeastinxCreed im on as soon as im outta school till whenever
You can join my clan AnotherAnomaly. We are small now but will be involved in everything the game has to offer. Join my clan on Bungie.net and message me on PSN: CorruptedParadox. Hope to see you there!
I'm on all the time add me: xEpic Eric99x
Hi guys I'm on in the morning and afternoon of weekends and afternoons of weekdays. Always looking to do heroic strikes Psn: porksimusmaximus
Working shifts so on at random time Charlie-The-Don on PSN
I play at the odd hours of the night and some during the day as well because of a mixture of work and insomnia. Psn is WarDemonWyper add me if you wanna play.
PS4: ClarkeyWookiee Level 24 Hunter UK based, feel free to add
PSN: SHOP_gr_ubb-ar Level 13 warlock Ps: Gavin is Gay
Ballistic_Uncut9 PS4 LVL 23 Light...feel free to add me
PS4 - Cool stoner From NYC Lvl 7 hunter looking to lvl up Psn- WutangZombie_ All invites are accepted
You can add me :D the name is TheIzabela I'm only a lvl 12 hunter right now but I'm getting there! I'd also love to make more friends on here~
Anyone is welcomed to add me as well!! Just looking for people to play this game with. PshFouur on ps4 ( ´Д`)y━・~~
Online right now. :)