originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Lvl 22 warlock looking for people to play strikes pvp and hopefully raids when they come out, feel free to add me GT: v D Luffy v
Level 22 warlock and rising, willing to do all game modes, GT: TheNaturalx97
LVL 24 WARLOCK. INTO STRATEGIC PLAY ON PvP aiming for LVL 3 crucible rep
Gamertag is MilboBaggins - I'm a lvl 23 Warlock atm. Feel free to send me an invite if you guys wanna play sometime :)
Feel free to add me XsSlayeR3 level 15 only got the game today will be playing daily looking for a good fire team :)
Hey I love all game modes Mumma Rose Will be level 20 (18 now) in a few hours. Warlock
Edited by sic.salem: 9/14/2014 2:02:54 AMLooking for group to do heroics and build a raid group GT=NeloAngelo47 Mountain time. I'm usually on nights and all weekends
Gamer tag is Kruzz69 I'm on usually late evenings to early morning on EST so add me if you want.
Hey Guardians! If you're looking to join a Rooster Teeth group with OPEN clans, go here: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/265159
If anyone wants to do strikes/heroics/bounties/PvP/achievements, add me! Gt: Madcat529
Anyone on Xbox one looking for strike / raid / pvp mate add me gt: luxferous666 lvl23 void lock and lvl 12 Titan
Looking for a 6 man I have 4 msg zSbwy for an inv must talk
Send me a friend request and I'll be on later around 7pm Pacific time. Looking to do the two strikes on Venus and finish everything else on Mars. I'm level 18 Hunter. Xbox One gamer tag: EL JIMMY NEURON
Looking for a fun fire team for anything and everything. GT StarKillerMarek
Add me xGuard Dogg. Play all game variants looking to make a strong team
Add RD BOOMSTICK. I'm on whenever I can am just looking for some people to co-op with when I get on. Thanks guys.
Hey, lvl 22 Titan here. If anyone wants add me for the strikes and raids. GT:x shadow321 x(spaces included)
Edited by Risk-6: 9/13/2014 7:17:51 AMHey hit me up, I'm on as much as I can GT is: Lemon Juiced. Luckily I have five days off starting now so plenty of time to make an ally or two! Got a level 21 Hunter and trying to crawl myself to 26 before the raid hits. Add me if you want someone fun and polite to run around with :) would be great if we could get six people together when Glass shows up!
Level 20 hunter looking for dailies raids and strikes Gamertag: CRMJ1
Lvl 20 Titan here looking for squadmates for weekly assaults. GT frank brown
Edited by SuddenlyDinosaur: 9/13/2014 8:08:12 PMI'm trying to get the "Complete a Strike with only Clan members" achievement. I'm level 11 and I'm doing the first strike on earth (the lvl 8 strike). If anyone wants to join, either reply to this or add me: SuddenlyDino on Xbox One Thanks
Looking for anyone up for making a raid group and anyone who wishes to hit the weekly strike with. lvl. 23 hunter Gamertag: The Gambler 096
Always looking to do strikes and raids and all that good stuff. I have a lvl 18 titan as of right now. Feel free to add me and ask for help! GT: DRAGON33SLAYER
Hey friends. Feel free to add me, GT: The Roflwaffler. Fresh level 20 Bladedancer looking for people to group up with and do whatever; strikes, raids, what have you. Looking forward to playing with you guys!
Anybody looking for some one to do strikes our weekly challenges. Not really into PvP. Send a message to JMAC412.