originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Anybody looking for some one to do strikes our weekly challenges. Not really into PvP. Send a message to JMAC412.
Add Detanate Lv 15 hunter looking to do strikes and story
Xbox One Looking for people that do Strikes and Crucible and preparing for raiding. Add Psekazei!
Yo add thctortuga lvl 23 hunter on most of the day and night lol
Level 23 hunter looking to do the weekly strike GT: Evil Cerberus
Yeah add me guys my gamer tags ACE JSG I'm on all the time as we'll and I'm up for doing strikes or stuff like that! I'm level 24 so of anyone needs a hand with any missions I don't mind helping you guys out :)
Edited by GAEMS Dean: 9/13/2014 4:33:12 PMLVL 20 Hunter stationed in FL, willing to help fellow RT fans and maybe earn a strange coin or two along the way. "Ultimate Tater"
Looking for fireteams! Add me on your friend list
Lvl 21 Titan Looking for people to do weekly heroic strike and general random strike queues with. Gamertag: Craken34
Add CoachTwoCoins Feel free to send me a message for strikes and raids and what not.
Hey dudes and dudettes! Always lookin for people to play with when I'm on so hit me up! GT: Drackus5 I am currently a level 9 Warlock
Always looking to join a fellow RT Guardian in need of some FireTeam help. No mic at the moment, but send me an invite and I'll play any game type. GT: Blair Morris
Hey I'm a level 17 warlock who want a good strike party to join me if anyone wants to join just give me a halla on xbox (it would help if your mic is working also I'm in Australia so if you want to join we can work on a good time for everyone)
GT ELIT3xPR3D4TOR Level 26 Hunter, msg me if you want to play!! :D
Gt same as name here lvl 20 titan based in uk, anyone who wants little bit of banter while playing destiny send me a friend request - see all of you starside
GT: Phiggins81 Currently a level 14 Titan, slowly working my way through the game, hit me up if you fancy a bit of co-op gaming.
I'm a level 18 (soon to be 19) Voidwalker Warlock looking for like-minded Guardians to have fun playing Destiny. I don't have any level requisites needed in order to play together. So if you need help on a mission, strikes, raids, or just want to have fun hit me up. My GT - Triwulf.
level 23 hunter but i have a warlock at 7 as well so add me if you want someone to play or do strikes or something GT: Blood Wulf274
Looking for a reliable, active clan or group of people to make one for raids, fireteam and strike playlists. I'm a level 23 warlock with a working mic, and I'm on so often time zones are irrelevant. Add me; Paradox711
Looking for people to play strikes and raids with or for any other shenanigans. I'm not on a whole lot with work, just add me if you want and if I'm free, ill jump on. Got a lvl 23 titan right now. GT: raloz44
Add me gt: SushiPanda11 level 23 hunter
Need some people to do weekly strike zones with, level 21+ preferably but 20s will do as well, please add or message me! My GT Is Im Koopa Troopa
Edited by II Hull II Rick: 9/13/2014 10:33:11 AMLevel 21 blade dancer looking to do weekly heroic strikes broke my mic so won't be able to chat, I'm on Xbox one my GT is II Mr Arnell II feel free to add me.
Lvl 9 Titan if anyone ever wants to party up Add me GT: ZxGottlichxZ
Edited by Zelaerix: 9/13/2014 10:24:42 AMLvl 22 Hunter looking for people to do any endgame content with whether it's PvE or PvP. GT: Zelaerix
Hey guys GT is MochaMeier level 22 hunter, add me if you want to do weekly strikes, other mission, crucible or whatever else I'm down for whatever when I'm online