originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
GamerTag is DrDicStick (only level 5 at the minute but that will soon change)
GT: Flamebooze Looking forward to whoopin ass in the name of Rooster Teeth!
Feel free to add or follow me. Always looking for new friends to run with.( Please invest in Headsets. LoL) GamerTag: xF4M0U5x4M05x
GT: ZeroSignal316 Only a level 3 right now so I'm early on, playing solo so if anyone wants to group up just add me and let me know!
GT: QuietSpectre
Agro64, go for it
Hi! GT is GemmaKC, Looking to play with new people on Destiny, Fifa, CoD etc! Add me please!
MasterxChiefx13 Level 11 Titan
Okami Ace Blade looking for some fun and adventure will play everything in destiny but can't talk head set broken but will be getting another soon
gt TheMitchelllang hunter lvl 11
Gt - Kingicecube42 Lvl 21 warlock trying to get ready for the vault.
GT is willdapod If you want to go for some of the Strike Achievements then message me
GT: Hamza95 Feel free to add me for achievement help, strikes, raids, etc. Or just cause!
GT is KieranSTC Feel free to add me for Destiny stuff, I'm looking for more people to play with!
GT: PETRO MANIACS only a lvl 7 Titan but still working on it!
GT: Milous simmons2
ArrogantProphet here ... I'll drive.
GT is Hawk Hornet I'll add/play anything with anyone, feel free to shoot me a request!
TheCrypticWolf Will play PvE and some PvP with miced people
Just remember everyone, Caleb loves you. lol, like the best gamer tag ever <3
GT is Hassikillr3z. Add me up :)
GT: NumbBloodRaven
GT: STLblue55 also on 360.
GT: Mr Truffle warlock trying to get ready for raids.
GT: Kokayne Dawkin Eager to play and chat with other RT and AH fans! It will be a fun time!