originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
My fiancé and I just bought a new PS4 for destiny and I only know like 5 people with it. I'm just looking for some friends to play with since I work graveyard and they are usually asleep when I get a chance to play. Yes, I am a girl and please be courteous and understanding.
Online right now. :)
Join the Tithians of the Galaxy. Come in and have fun. Our page http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/189688
You can add me as well. Ign: Teddiekun I'm off on Mon, Tues, and Wed so I end up playing for impressive lengths of time then.
Add me warlock lv 16 dloboy21
Thats more than I know :3. SpeedSloth Ps4 Lvl 22 wanting to bounty (pvp or e)
Hey my psn is AnEmoNinja69 I'm a lvl 23 hunter
Psn:NGLH50 Lvl 20 hunter
Psn brycej7
Lvl 20 warlock PSN-Darell_B_Payne
ToxicalToast - add me :p
Firefight Company.... our community is a tight-knit group of gamers dedicated to gaming on the Playstation 4. Our clan has been gaming together for since it created by me in September of 2009 with the Battlefield series. We pride ourselves in having a perfect balance between casual and competitive gameplay. Our current clan leader has been running FfC for the past couple of years and contributes a lot of his time to the clan, ensuring our website is fully functional as well as providing a fun gaming community. A good attitude and love for gaming goes a long way for us. We currently have over 30 active members, and are looking to add more to our community! Advantages of being an FfC Member: • Part of gaming family with approximately 65 members • Adult driven community • A Youtube/Media group that runs 1080 Pixel Gaming • Reliable, fun, teammates to game with • Full functioning website, with forums, IM, arcade, and much more • Mobile access to the forums using native apps • Competitive game play • Prizes, T-Shirts, stickers, and other schwag to purchase/win (We just gave away a PS4, Vita, copy of BF4) • No drama! We do have minimum GUIDELINES all must be met. Rank 20+ 18+ only Microphone English Speaking Able to visit our forums frequently Able to follow recruitment process orders MUST PLAY FROM THE UNITED STATES All requests to join the group without an application on our forums will be rejected. If you think you have what it takes please visit our website link first below and fill out an application. http://www.firefightcompany.com/forms.php?do=form&fid=1 Then click on our group link and request an invite to the group. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/121286 Please be patient – in times of recruiting pushes we usually are flooded with applications, our goal is to get to every recruit within 48 hours. We will get to you as SOON as we can. We take in all aspects of a person, applications, stats, personality when making a decision – it’s about finding the RIGHT people, this is how we have remained so successful over life time of the clan. Currently there is no try out period. We are recruiting solely off the application so make it fit your personality. Then after completing the recruitment process... WE HAVE A TWO WEEK TRIAL PERIOD AFTER ACCEPTANCE WHERE YOU MAY BE DROPPED. This is where we seperate ourselves from the rest of the platoons in the battlefield community. We have committed players that enjoy gaming and the atmosphere that we have when doing so. Please feel free to check out our Facebook and youtube channel! As well as twitter! https://www.facebook.com/firefightcompany.videos http://www.youtube.com/user/1080PixelGaming https://twitter.com/1080PixelGaming If the application link does not work. http://www.firefightcompany.com The FfC is all about the balance and blend of just hitting it up with your friends, having a good time and grinding in deep for those 1 ticket wins in high profile competition. We have become one of the few clans that can do this successfully and it’s built on our great leadership structure, promoting from within, finding the right candidates, and making it a home people enjoy, while they forget the stresses of real life. It’s just a place you want to be…plain and simple! We love that you are check’n us out, and hope to receive an application from qualified recruits. If you have any questions feel free to contact me, I am around as much as I can be! Send me a PM learn more, follow us, ask questions, or just check in - hit us up! Good luck, we hope to gain the next wave of our future….and if you read to this point, you are invested and the type of person we are looking for!!! So get on that application! How the process works..... 1.Fill out an application on our website 2.Request to join our Firefight Company group on bungie.net 3.Wait for the recruitment depart to process your request 4. Once accepted or denied you will be notified and access given or rejected on our website 5. Create a post in the "New Member Introduction" thread and let the clan know who you are! 6. You will then be accepted into the Destiny group Firefight Company as well as invited to our PSN chat 7. Start meeting your new friends!
My psn name is lil_oogie_boogie I'm a lvl23 Titan Adult on ps4 Add me.
Hi you can add me my psn is JJstir I mostly play at night also.
Edited by Viper6332: 9/17/2014 3:58:40 PMyou both can add me viper6332 on ps4 i play daily and will help you guys if needed, i am a lvl 23 warlock
Hello. If you need a clan to join come to Extremely Hostile. We are your average hardcore gamers. Not annoying or obnoxious. Just need some more teammates. Will always help out with any quests. You can look for SlyckNic on PSN.
currently lvl 22 hunter (bladedancer), Central time zone Looking for anyone for strikes or anything else that is best with a fireteam. (max level and haven't barely played the story) PSN: winglucario
Level 22 warlock psn riddzgamer
Lvl 16 hunter and going. you can add me on pan Huolong1983
Anyone can join TankkSTARS to meet many friends to do STRIKES and RAIDS and story mode missions! No level restrictions just FUN! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/260907/0/1/0
psn SlipknotMassacre
Heyaa I'm a lvl 21 hunter and I like to do strikes and PvP. Feel free to add me on PSN: SilverDevilDU
25lock psn:meoww25 add me.
Hey, I'm up playing at 2 am (est) so I'm down to play then
Looking for people to do strikes and raids with. I live in the pacific time zone and play afternoons and evenings. Level 22 Hunter my psn is walker777007.