originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with!
Edited by Doctor Ryuu: 1/6/2015 10:31:47 AMOK. I just switched from XB360 to XBone. And I have to say the graphical difference kinda makes my *eyes hurt from the awesome! Ryuu PI is the GT and I'll be looking for people to do raids with and generally attempt to own the Crucible as I haven't played too much of that. So feel free to add me! ^_^
Started a new topic: Anyone wanna get together to make a strike team? ;w;(1 Reply)
We need two ppl to run VOG on xbox one, idk if anyone still runs it or not but if your interested send me a msg. GT - bpShum12
Edited by SozaNerdified: 1/22/2015 6:45:55 PMJust looking for people to play with.! GT: AiryaEdwards
Edited by Ahsoka Rey: 2/2/2015 6:35:30 PMJust got my console recently and need people to play with as my friends are still on 360. GT is LycanRexxie007 I have a lvl 31 Titan and a lvl 26 Hunter.
Need 3 for fresh VOG hard, Gt same as above. Send me message on Xbox for invite
Thorn bounty fresh Xyor 27hunter GT MrSpicyWiener
Who wants to help me level up a new character ? On Xbox one gt same
Need 3 for hard Crota must be 32 add lrs hostile
Looking for 2 people level 28+ to do last part of the vault on normal. GT: RNSyncPro join my party or message me
GT HOTSOUPPP- Need a raid group for both raids.
Who's on X1? I recently got mine a few days ago and I need people to play with as my friends are still on 360. I do raids, strikes, weekly and nightfall and crucible. GT is LycanRexxie007
Lv 30 lock and lv 31 huntard looking for active players to run Nightfall and Raid content with. Never2dead1122
Started a new topic: Fun Raiding Group In It For The Laughs (Recruiting Memebers)
Level 24 titan here. I'm just looking for some people to do strikes with regularly. It gets a little boring having to grind with no one to talk to so I figured I'd reach out. So if you're around my level and are looking for someone to do strikes with shoot me message and let's get on that grind to 32. GamerTag: DoobieHunter14
[quote]General discussion thread for those playing Destiny on Xbox One. Feel free to post in here if you are looking for people to play with![/quote] weekly heroic strike
Edited by Freelancer_Amber: 1/23/2015 3:45:31 AMI've been wanting to do the raid since it came out. But none of the assholes from another clan I'm in and other friends online are willing to help. I have it on 360 and One.
Looking for fresh Crota raid hard mode I know how to beat Crota and bridge easily message MexicanFluff
Edited by Treyvos: 1/23/2015 1:20:25 AMLvl 30titan lfg fornihtfall/weekly gt is treyvos
Looking for someone to take me on vog or nightfall GT D3ATHGR33T3R xbox one level 26 warlock
Need help leveling up, about to do weekly heroic Reply with your GT if you want to help
Just switched to Xbox one from 360, so I need a new group to do nightfall vog and etc. My only free time is on the weekends to play the game so I pull all nighters some times
📢 our main clan is full but join our sister clan to be apart of a bigger alliance of members. " 1337 ELITE RAID TEAM " 📢 ✅Active Raiders ✅Active Crucible Companions ✅Active Mission/Bounty Companions All 🎮PLAYSTATION & 🎮XBOX consoles http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/732564
Hi everyone my gt is Wittedmouse im on xb1 and I'm here to help anyone out who needs it just hit me up and if I'm free I'll help u out have a great day