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The Cult of Ball

"The Ball is Hope. The Ball is Life. BAAAAALLLLLLL!!!"

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    The Traveler is a false god. We serve the true Spherical Savior, the Purple Ball! Blood sacrifice not necessary for entry, but you must be willing to throw yourself off the Tower at any time.

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originally posted in:The Cult of Ball
Edited by Rohee Kain: 9/25/2016 12:14:38 AM

Chapter 5: Grievance, Part 2

The Ghost’s voice appeared over the coms catching the Titan off guard. “I don’t think that’s quite right. Even though the enemy activity is similar to when we activated the other sites for the Warmind, this group is just too big. It’s like they’re staging for something.” “And, Zvika?” Lintro asked. The Titan observed a short exchange between the two before the Ghost spoke again. “She agrees.” Poco stated unconvincingly. Lintro, now worried for his sister once again, fell back into the depths of his mind to find some sort of solution. It might be a weapon, he thought. A big weapon. But nothing would come from just speculation. The Titan would have to see with his own eyes exactly what it was the Fallen were pursuing. The Fallen Capitan organized his platoon as he monitored the situation. Three guardians were in close pursuit to the main army making its way through old Russia. His job was simple, alert the rear battalion while stalking whatever threat followed in close proximity. The Capitan ordered his Dregs, the lowly two armed pawns of the Fallen hierarchy, to stay hidden and close by as he would make his way to draw their attention forward. Meanwhile, his Vandal snipers would take out the vile followers of the Traveler while they were distracted. Satisfied with the order of events that would take place, the small platoon set their plan in motion and silently moved through the cold storm that was fast approaching. Zvika, once again towards the rear of the group, swiftly approached her brother and pat him on the shoulder. Sensing her urgency, the Titan listened closely to the Huntress’s words. “Sniper glints,” she began with a quick and rushed tone, “three of them.” Lintro nodded slightly to acknowledge and await her plan. At this point Zvika would have the best strategy in mind since she had the best situational awareness of the group. The skittish girl continued her thoughts. “You and Malinna take cover in behind the outcropping of rocks up ahead. As soon as a sniper shot lands far ahead of where you two are, switch sides and prepare from an assault from the front.” The Huntress turned toward the Warlock to reassure her. “Don’t worry, you two will be fine at least. I’ll be in the shadows.” In an instant the Huntress disappeared as her active camouflage concealed her movements. Almost immediately afterwards, sniper fire rained upon the two Guardians as they raced for cover. Lintro and Malinna successfully braced themselves behind the rocks as they awaited Zvika’s signal. The girl’s last statement didn’t assure them too well. The Vandals continued their assault on the two Guardians making sure to not let up a single second between the three of them. Their orders were to not let up fire no matter what, so the disappearance of the Huntress did not concern them. This was their fatal flaw. As the trio of sharpshooters continued their onslaught a whisper of footsteps fell behind them quietly and unseen, like death. The last thing the three Fallen shooters felt was a sharp blade as the girl’s knife severed each of their spines in less than a second. Zvika wasted no time to take out a rifle of her own and shoot straight down the valley that her comrades were taking cover in. The storm was now approaching and her friends had not yet noticed the Captain’s group about to ambush them from behind. Lintro and Malinna peeked from their cover as they noticed a sudden stop in fire on their position. Then a single shot, clearly different from the earlier suppressing fire, rang out with the sound of distant thunder. As the bullet raced past the two, the Guardians looked towards their front just in time to see the explosive round plant itself right between the eyes of a Fallen Dreg as it attempted a silent approach under the cover of the now heavy snowfall. The two heeded their sibling’s advice and jumped to the other side of the rocks just in time to avoid additional fire originating from a Fallen Capitan and the remainder of his four Dregs. With practiced precision, the Warlock opened fire making every shot count with her pulse rifle as the Titan provided suppressive fire in the form of a hail of assault rifle rounds. Thanks to the Huntress’s keen senses and quick thinking. The trio of Guardians now held the advantage. As Lintro added grenades to the mix in order to scatter the enemy, Zvika continued to land precise shots on the remaining Dregs as Malinna focused on the Capitan’s shields. Once the hue of light blue flared and faded, the Titan rushed in for the killing blow. He charged at the remaining Fallen with heavy strides as the Capitan braced itself and readied one of his four fists for a counter against the brave Guardian, but Lintro remained vigilant upon his approach. The Titan jerked to the left away from the clenched fist and then swiftly rolled to the right as the Capitan’s punch came too high to hit the Guardian and fell into the ground. Lintro readied his sword to strike a final blow, but as his arm drew back the Fallen’s head exploded as a high powered rifle round ended the thing’s life. Lintro looked towards the general direction of the sniper fire with his hands extended. “Oh come on!” He yelled angrily at his annoying sister’s never ending quest to steal his moments of glory. Just as the Titan was about to walk towards Malinna, more fire rained past him as he flinched from the sudden intensity of combat. He looked back down the valley to see an entire army of Fallen charging their position. The enemy knew where they were now. “Malinna!” Lintro shouted in earnest. “Send a distress signal, we’ll need backup.” “No problem, cover me for a few moments.” The Warlock pulled out a data pad and drew up a lightning quick response destined for The Black Fox. Zvika exhausted her sniper’s ammo as she took out as many approaching enemies as she could. She grabbed a Line Riffle from one of the dead Vandals only to find the batteries drained. Cursing herself, she dashed down her position perched upon a hill to join her friends. The light snow that gave an enjoyable atmosphere to their little trek has intensified into an all-out blizzard. This was fortunate for the Huntress but played havoc on her friend’s ability to affectively fight. The girl charged down the valley while activating her powerful Ark infused blade. They were at least lucky that the only flanking team consisted of the Fallen she had recently killed. Within a blink of an eye, she was past her comrades and engaging the front ranks of the Fallen army. Zvika dashed and darted between a multitude of foes as she cut them down one by one. Several dozen of the aliens fell to her precision as her speed overpowered the enemies’ attempts at countering the nimble Huntress. The raging blizzard concealed her quick movements as she skillfully hid her steps while dancing under the howling wind. Quickly rallying behind his sister, Lintro focused his power down the main grouping of enemies to his left. Grenades of pure Void hurled towards the Elinski troops as the purple tailed weapons landed firmly upon the face of an unlucky Vandal. The resulting clusters of explosions caused chaos as a handful of Fallen dissipated into nothingness then exploded into a purple bloom. The rest panicked as they regrouped behind cover only to be cut down by Zvika’s hungering blade. Fear pulsed through the Huntresses body fueling the unrelenting adrenalin pushing her forward. And as her courage grew, an even stronger emotion emerged. The vengeful spite she had for this race went beyond her own death. She knew these things were responsible for her lover’s death. Her mind reenacted that horrible encounter every night. And every night her fear and vengeance grew until it was a sweltering hate that embroiled her rage. Malinna quickly looked upon another flank of advancing Fallen as her friends fought valiantly against their foes. A regiment diverted a portion of its troops around the valley to gain a vantage point for several sniper positions while the rest of the group prepared to flank the Guardians. They were about to be hopelessly surrounded. “Lintro, Zvika,” she called over the coms. “We have to regroup. We need to hold out until help arrives.” Lintro took note of his Bond’s urgent voice and signaled for Zvika to form up on him as he rushed towards their initial cover to pull up a Void bubble. Lintro had little trouble making his way past the sparsely group enemies in his way, but as he reached the rally point he noticed something was amiss. Zvika wasn’t retreating, she was advancing. Slightly angered, Lintro readied himself to rush toward his sister, but then the situation grew darker still. Portals of ethereal black began to swirl and release pillars of darkness all around the area. The Taken were here. Both Lintro and Malinna, who was now with Lintro, looked up towards the sky in awe as the Fallen around them began to become surrounded by the new threat. Malinna looked towards the Titan with uncertainty. “I thought we got rid of him?” She asked, half expecting some sort of explanation. Lintro didn’t take his eyes off the situation. He didn’t know what to do. Their transmat to the Aegis was being jammed and they had no clue if their distress signal was able to make it in time. Their only hope was to hold out as long as they could he decided. “Zvika is still out there.” The annoyed brother began to contact her sister only to be faced with silence. Thinking quickly, he tried her Ghost. “Poco, get Zvika back here, we need to hold up.” “I’m still up on the sniper hill. She told me to assess the enemies advance.” “And?” Lintro stated in absurdity. “They’re advancing.” Fearing his sister’s safety, and now absolutely furious from the Ghost’s incompetence, the Titan turned towards Malinna. “She left her Ghost behind, I’m going after her.” ...

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