originally posted in:Social Drinkers
This thread is for all of our Xbox one players. Please post your gamer tag so clan mates can add you.
Mine is XxJaDeDxAnGeLxX
Edited by Dave DDF: 4/9/2015 9:53:30 AMDave DDF 3 x 32. GMT - on usually 7pm onwards. Can run sword (kinda), always happy to help.
I'm on the Xbone now! GT is VarriusBremyr and I'm typically on between 4 - 10 EST. I'm jumping back and forth between the 360 and one, but I would love to play with the Xbox one people. All my characters are 32 and usually up for helping out.
360 ftw!!! [spoiler]flying away[/spoiler]
GT - Red Sky Lights 30 Warlock 30 Hunter
Edited by Phantom: 3/20/2015 11:54:05 PM32 Titan 32 Hunter 32 Warlock Looking for a clan to get achievements have done all the raids countless times. Sword runner on my Hunter. I mostly play pvp just for bounties so my k/d not the best. All exotic weapons. Gamer tag Phantomebola shot me a message.
Hey all! Just looking to meet more people in destiny, woman gamer with lvl 32 huntress, 30 warlock and just started my Titan, I'm est time on after 8 and weekends a lot. Feel free to add I have raid exp in both. Cheers!
32 hunter 31 warlock and Titan willing to help anyone with raids also I need crota on my warlock
Hey all! Est time zone and running 32 hunter, 30 warlock and just started a Titan, always willing to help! :D
Gamer tag DANTE MAXIMUS69 Xbox one 32 Titan 31-32 Warlock Working on hunter... I'm down for just about anything. VOG, Crota, Weekly's, & NF. I do play crucible when I'm able too. I have nerve damage in left shoulder. So I can't play for extensive periods on crucible. It's a lot more demanding than PvE... Add me or invite me. I am a calm player that enjoys a good game, with good people. Look forward too meeting you!!!
Gaztop89 Raid and willing! :)
Looking for someone to do bounties with MSG above name
New to forums and new to xbone! Tag is CptZigzig45. I have a 29 warlock and I am leveling a hunter as of last weekend.
I'm now on XBONE too as of today.. Dave DDF
Gamer tag: Amber Anubis Mainly PVE , looking for people to raid with and all other activities.
Magic522 level 31 Titan and 27 warlock
Super5onic88 - 28 Hunter, 16 Titan Casual player, mainly PVP, need a helping hand with PVE :)
Angelic Death7
Gt: DiSSnikkaCAM. looking to do fresh raids or nightfall
Edited by ThatWasaBSBoom: 3/5/2015 7:37:50 AMHey any one on? Add me if you are. Let's nightfall raid bounty I don't care lol. Have 32 lock and 31 hunter and titan. Work a crazy schedule but play when I can. Willing to help with anything. Take care. :)
Grumpy67071 - 32 warlock, hunter. 31 titan
[quote]This thread is for all of our Xbox one players. Please post your gamer tag so clan mates can add you. Mine is XxJaDeDxAnGeLxX[/quote] BEASTXVXMODE 30 titan 30 warlock 28 hunter
My GT is JeannieMozart and I've got a lvl 29 of each class. I love Destiny but I'm not all that good (based on how many times I die per Crucible match anyway). I've never done a Nightfall or Raid but I'd like to if anyone fancies helping me out...a lot :-)
Edited by The Jammy Git: 3/4/2015 1:19:30 PMThe Jammy Git Have 3 characters at 32. Always looking to do Raids/Nighfalls etc. Or if anyone just needs help with anything and I'm on give me a shout! Im on GMT
Hey ! JC00000000 ^ thats 8 zeros btw! JC