Been reading alot online. So far the word is is that if you run ALL the patrol missions on a planet, or if you finish ALL the daily bounties in one day and then turn them in together, you have a much higher chance of recieving a unique item bounty mission. Also, Legendary engrams do drop, it's just an extremely low percentage. Playing on higher difficulty strikes and missions increases that percentage slightly. you can also recieve both legendary and unique items from the crucible, winning the game improves your chances as well. Note: Legendary Engrams DO NOT have to give you a class specific item. I have gotten two, both of which ended up being armor for a different class I couldn't use. Needles to say I kept them anyway in my vault for another classes playthrough. I am unsure whether or not this also applies for Unique Armor. Tip: Make sure if your gaining rep in a special group (FWC, Dead Orbit, New Monarchy) Their armor and weapons gives you the abilities and stat boosts you want. Sometimes it might be better just to stick with Vanguard and Crucible gear to get the Class specific stuff if it gives you the ability bonuses you want for your build. Remember, Strength lessens your melee cooldown time, Discipline lessens grenade cooldown, and Intellect decreases super cooldown. Without any points in an ability the cooldown for melee and grenades is one minute, with a 100% bonus on one of the stats the cooldown is reduced to only 20 seconds. So quite a big difference. Buying armor that just looks cool instead of giving you the bonuses you need can be LIFE THREATENING, especially if you plan on playing through raids, nightfall strikes, or the iron banner crucible playslist. A minute can be a long time under pressure in Destiny, and not having your powerful grenade or melee ability ready because you bought the wrong armor can be disastrous. Going one down in a high level strike can be the difference between death and victory.