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originally posted in:Kush of Destiny
9/18/2014 2:28:53 AM

Vault Of Glass - The Guide

By Akagami_Shanks Posted 9/16/2014 4:35:37 PM Vault Of Glass - The Guide I didn't make this alone, used references from reddit to properly explain some parts 1. To get in the place, you have to stand on the 3 portals, best way is to go 2,2 and 2, this is your "gear check" as if you have issues with this part, you might as well just leave the raid and try again when you get better. The process takes around 5 minutes to form the spire, which is an issue as the praetorians are also out to kill you. goblins and hobgoblins should be easy enough to kill, but make sure to call out praetorians and use void damage weapons to destroy their shields. Once you beat this the doors will be open.Move forward to find a chest! 2. The second boss is actually a gauntlet type fight, this fight begins when you jump down from on a ledge onto a big square stone platform and the "templar" will spawn. your goal here is simple, there will be a big lazer that spawns directly underneath where you landed that you must protect from the oncoming vex, kill each wave until you have 2 machines to protect, one on the left and one on the right, when you kill enough waves you will get a message "a horde is coming" or something to that nature, a huge number of green slimy mobs will spawn and when killed will drop a large green puddle on the ground AVOID THIS PUDDLE, if you walk into it you will become marked. occasionally the boss "the templar" whom you cannot damage yet will caste a global nuke it will only damage you if you are marked, to clear this mark if you do step in the pool, there is a large fountain of light in the middle of the room, run into it to be cleansed. once you defend 2 of the machines, it will move onto 3 machines, one to each side and one in the back. defend all 3 from the waves of vex and you will be rewarded with a piece of loot or crafting materials. you fail this boss by allowing the vex to sacrifice themselves to the machines, simply kill them before they can and this part is not very difficult. after you defend the machines, you will tasked with "kill the oracles" the oracles are HUGE yellow balls of light, you will know they are spawning by a distinct musical note playing to alert you of their arrival. this phase is very simple, kill the oracles every time they spawn, it may seem like you are doing something wrong because this phase takes a long time, but you aren't just kill the oracles and wait for the next checkpoint, if you fail at killing an oracle you will be marked by the boss, "same mark as the yellow pools" and promptly killed when the boss does his nuke. kill enough oracles to reach the next checkpoint. 3. This part is pretty simple actually, pick up the relic shield, and spread your team out in the back of the arena, they are relatively safe from spawns as long as they dont suck, and the boss won't spawn on top of them.You should be looking forward to where you jumped off the cliff at. An agreed upon strategy is to have the guy with the shield doing mob damage while the other 5 guys pick off the troublesome harpies that the relic guy can't reach in time, while also shooting any oracles that spawn, they spawn in the same spots that they do in the last phase, if you get marked for death, it's okay. Relic guy can press L1 to use some type of shield that removes the curse from anyone that's marked. but it has a recharge time. Use your super to take down the boss shields and get some serious dps on him. Kill adds with the relic to boost super recharge time, and that's basically it, if your team is anywhere near ready for the raid, you'll have the guy dead before he uses "enrage" which basically overwhelms you guys with minotaurs and goblins and stuff. 4. The Labyrinth This is also easy, but hard to execute. Theres two chests in the area also, one if you go to the right, there is a room there, and one in the cliff room to the left of the spawn area, you have to do some jumping to get there. To pass this area, jump on the rocks as you make your way to the left, as the gorgons can't see you if you're up high, you can sprint, as long as they're past you, just be careful about double jumping if you're not climbing a rock. As you keep sticking to high ground, you should see a bright area to your right with four pillars. Jump down and hug the wall, there will be an entrance there, make a right turn, duck, and you'll be in the vault of glass. 5. The Jumping Puzzle Platforms will spawn and despawn, jump on the 1st one, then jump to the second, then try to jump towards the wall to your right, use your glide sparingly as it CAN run out and you WILL die if you don't break your fall with glide in time, or bounce off the wall. Now hug the wall, glide jumping to the left and back in front of any wall obstacles, and you'll make it 6. you will open up into a huge room with lots of adds kill the gatekeeper and the hobgoblins, and there are 2 portals. to activate the portals there are zones the same ones from the door boss at the start, they are hidden on the ground. Activate one of the two portals. One will be a desert version of the room you were just in, and the other will be a rainforest version. The portal takes some time to open, but only requires one person in its circle. Once the portal opens, send only one or two people in. You'll need the rest to protect the portal and the column (more on that later). Inside the portal, you'll see some adds and another Gatekeeper. Kill the Gatekeeper ASAP while heading towards the back of the room. If you take too long, your vision will turn black and it'll be nearly impossible to leave. Once the Gatekeeper dies, a Relic will drop. One player will need to pick it up and exit quickly before he can't see anymore. Once he exits, the grenade key can be held to clear the vision debuff. Send the Relic player and one other player into the second portal. Just like the first portal, kill the Gatekeeper and have the player without a Relic collect the one that drops. However, the player with the first relic can clear the vision debuff, so you don't need to rush as hard. Outside the portals, a column will appear in the middle of the room sometime after you open the first portal. The Vex will attempt to sacrifice themselves to it. The players outside must defend it until both Relics are collected. If any Vex manage to sacrifice themselves, an Oracle will spawn and must be killed immediately. Both Relics must fire their supers into the column to proceed. Once the column disappears, the real fight starts. #3 Akagami_Shanks (Topic Creator) Posted 9/16/2014 4:37:16 PM message detail Boss 4.5 - Atheon, the Devourer of Hours: Atheon appears at the top of the stairs. With his appearance, both the Relics disappear. Around 15 seconds after he appears, he will teleport the three players furthest away from him to one of the two portals, as well as spawn several Supplicants in his room. Inside - The players will appear across the room from the exit portal next to a Relic. One player will need to pick up the Relic in order to cleanse the vision debuff. The adds in the room deal lots of damage, so approach carefully. Seven oracles will spawn one after the other. Kill them quickly while making your way over to the exit portal. Once they're killed, everyone (both in and out of the portal) gets a buff called Time's Vengeance. Make sure to cleanse the vision debuff again once you leave the portal. Outside - Send one player to open whichever portal the teleported players are in. The other two need to kill the Supplicants. Supplicants will sometimes shoot you, but their true danger is their self-destruct. They're very quick and tend to camp around the portals. If not dealt with, they'll kill the inside players before anyone can react. Once all six players are outside, you need to do as much damage to the boss as possible. Damage to the boss is increased and everyone's supers and grenades refresh in two seconds as long as Time's Vengeance is active. If not done quickly enough (I'm not entirely sure what the qualifier is), the boss will enrage. The Relic has a super attack that, while very vulnerable, can deal huge damage to the boss. Once Time's Vengeance wears off, the three players furthest from Atheon will again be teleported to one of the two portals. Rinse and repeat until you succeed or turn into a skeleton. Whát, you need to hold the points for about 5 minutes? O.o That seems crazy even with level 26's.

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