originally posted in:Xbox One Raiders
Catch me in game under the gamer tag Fragdivide. I play most nights and look forward to running some strikes and dungeons with you.
level 32 titan 👾
Gt: ixKakakazxi 25 hunter 2 lock 2 titan Im a team player usually playing in the morning during the week and any time on the weekends. Usually play late night on the weekends. Looking to advance further through destiny.
Hello! I have been looking for a good group on XBox One since christmas... I hate having to spam randoms on the forums searching for a game and would love the opportunity to join your ranks and rock the banner. GT: TheGr8Rat Toons: 32 Titan maxed 31 Warlock Maxed void 60% sun 31 Hunter Maxed blade 50% gun I play most nights after 9pm MST and will play whatever with whoever. I like Control/Inferno and I do the weeklies 3 times as soon as it flips. I have lots of XP with both Raids and I am happy to attempt them multiple times with all my toons. Thanks for your time.
Xbox One Gt: Col Confederacy Level 32 Warlock Level 32 Hunter Level 28 Titan I'm down for everything except PvP. Just not that big on it. I like helping others and kill everything that moves.
Gt same lv 29 warlock lv 22 (working on it) hunter
Xbox One Raid Finder [X1RF] "The Official Xbox One Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/619636 Xbox 360 Raid Finder [X3RF] "The Official Xbox 360 Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/544299 - Now Forming Crota's End Raid Teams. - Join Today For Exclusive Xbox Matchmaking - 7000+ Active Users Daily
Add me I'm usually on playing by myself most nights after 6 cst
Lv 28 Hunter GT same as username that's a zero
Titan nivel 27 GT: elchacalasesino
Level 24 Warlock. Add GT: cmoney147258 Intensively weekends and most weekdays. Looking to up my gear level and start doing some raiding.
29 WL 27 hunt 27 Titan. This is all I play. I just need mor practice in raids. I'll help any one even if it's not a raid. Hit me up. GT same as above.
Hey guys I have a lvl 29 hunter and a lvl 29 warlock. I've completed the raid with both characters at least 3 times each and completed it on hard once with my hunter. Glad to be a part of the group. GT is same as username.
Lvl 28 Hunter & 27 warlock. Completed the raid twice. Down for daily, weekly, nightfall or crucible. Add me as a friend. Play usually 6-11 central.
Edited by Agonyzing Payne: 11/8/2014 8:19:01 PMXB1 GT: Agonyzing Payne Level 28 Hunter Level 27 Warlock Up for daily/weekly strikes haven't done VOG yet haven't had anyone to play with.. I'm up 2 learn the raid i have seen some vidz so i know what to expect.. up to play whenever just add me and I'll add u *I have a mic*
Lvl 29 Hunter along with my brother Kaleb 303 Warlock lvl 29 looking for experienced raid players that can help us complete the raid. We're on nightly 9pm-2am east coast. GT: ka BOOOOM milan Thnx
2 Level 30 Titans and a 25 war lock done the raid over 21 times if you ever need someone to help with raids on the weekend if I haven't done them yet I'll be glad to help normal or hard
[quote]Catch me in game under the gamer tag Fragdivide. I play most nights and look forward to running some strikes and dungeons with you.[/quote] How do i join
Level 27 Titan. Been looking for people to play the weekly heroic strike and VoG with. My GT is same as name. Anyone message me if interested.
Lvl 29 hunter been looking for active players for hard weekly and VoG. GT Is same name
Berzerker969 level 27 Hunter looking to do strikes and raids with a group of new players. Add me if you are interested.
Lvl 24 titan gt ichigo9141984 I'm on every day n most of the night into late nights looking forward to advancing my guy n getting better gear with ya
29 titan gt- oOi ReLoAdZ iOo im on most of the time and up for any game mode. Looking at doing VOG on hard but will help others with other tasks if need be.
Level 29 Titan and have a level 27 hunter and warlock
Hi I'm a lvl 28 warlock but classes maxed out and I have a lvl 25 hunter
Hey, i am level 23 Titan
I'm a level 23 hunter who likes to have fun. I usually get screwed by the loot system so my levels pretty low. Up for pretty much anything GT DragonViper7X