originally posted in:Xbox One Raiders
I have the checkpoint for atheon on hard if someone wants it. My gt is MsBehavingXx
1: you have to add me as a friend to get it
2: it won't let you get the checkpoint unless you're level 27
I would like the Checkpoint please. (Lvl 29)
Can i join you
I would like the check point I'm a level. 29 Titan send me invite. Gt Master Ross419
Edited by Minhsters: 10/16/2014 5:14:21 AMAdded you as a friend and sent you a message gt:minhofusion
added and msged
How do u get the checkpoint
Added you BadcompanyKT
do you still have the checkpoint?
ill join
LocoDelDice is GT i am lvl 29 hunter. i am online now
Want to glitch the boss?