originally posted in:Xbox One Raiders
Looking for people to raid with, I have a level 31 hunter and 27 titan. The titan will be higher soon I just need two more legendary pieces, I just made him last week. I have IB, maxed out primary weapons a couple maxed out heavy weapons and few more legendary weapons. Also P&T is close to maxed. add me on Xbox one my GT is the same as on here.[spoiler]when I'm online invite me whenever I'm most likely grinding somewhere and I'll raid with you anytime. [/spoiler]
Hey I need people to complete raids with. Lvl 33 Warlock Sunsinger with Fireborn. Message me at GT: CPV Trickshotz I know what I am doing with VoG and with Crota.
I'm lvl 32 hunter and a titan 30 corta hard last check point I have it and a normal cotta check point with my lvl 30 only lvl 32s for corta hard
Incitw me. Lvl 31 warlock. Tag is same
Lvl 29 Titan lvl 27 Hunter theunclenucky add me!
I am also looking to raid regularly. 31 Warlock and Hunter with 17 titan moving yo the ranks. Will help when I can but get frustrated if we waste too much time and get nothing! GT markhawks. Friend/inv anytime
Me warlock leves 24 gt beto20965
Please inv me to raid squad
Add me 32 hunter, 32 titan, 31 warlock my gt : xl XER0 lx ( it is an actual zero in my name )
31 warlock gt is my name invite
Add me: Grizzlath lvl 30 titan lvl 29 warlock