originally posted in:Atonement
Although the majority of us know that warlocks are the greatest class by far, I was curious as to how large of a majority we truly are. So pick a damn class.
I love how you say that about the warlocks and yet they are losing at the moment with 29% #HuntersRapesAll
Hunters ftw ;) we all know hunter is master race.
Edited by Sgt Clog Her: 1/23/2015 3:41:22 AMWarlocks though?
Hunter is my first love. I am shooting for all three classes at max level. Hunter 31 Titan 31 Warlock 28
Hunters are squishy :-) warlock>
Having all of the classes at least level 31. Warlock is the most fun IMO
Hunter for PvP and warlock for everything else. Yes you will not see me crouched and hidden in the darkest corners of the crucible, but like a wandering murderer, you will feel the wind as I blink out behind you and press the cold steel of a hunters blade straight into the back of your head.
Dang how can yall not like hunters...
Hunters, the true mortals, the no second-chancers, the Knife-jugglers, the radar-tease, the Parkour Masters. Warlocks might of created Blink, but Hunters mastered it. Srsly though, Hunters because of their mobility. No other class flows as smoothly as hunters. Maxed Stability + reload speed, yea sign me up.