originally posted in: The Wolf Pack
Looking to defeat the vault of glass for the first time? Hears your chance.
I'm looking to run the VOG with first timers only in the hopes that we can solve the puzzle with no spoilers.
1. First time running of VOG.
2. Mic
3. L.V. 26 or higher
As of right now we have two warlocks slated for this event. I would like to fill out the ranks with 2 of each class so hunters and titans will receive priority.
If you would like to meet me first, feel free to hop into a game with me. Captain Kiwi.
6 players V.S. Bungie are you with me?
Edited by CAPTAIN KIWI: 10/3/2014 7:05:26 PMCan you all give me a hard yes or no. other then ShoreXShot, I don't know who is in or not. Rage If you have a wedding to go to then will catch you on another run, if not your in. Mr popo I don't know if your looking to join the raid or the clan. If you could just let me know if your interested in the raid so I know how many people I still need to fill out the fire team. Thanks.
Have a LVL 28 Hunter and I run with a Lvl 27 Warlock. We are both looking for people to raid with as well as looking into joining a Clan. My gamer tag is Mr Popo83.
Hey, I'm a level 26 hunter so I'm willing to play. Feel free to add me. I also may have a level 24 warlock that could help if needed.
Edited by Guardian6761: 10/2/2014 7:47:31 PMI have a level 26 hunter(prolly a bit higher by Saturday) and this would be my first time running the VoG. I believe I should be able to clear Saturday to run this with you.