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originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Edited by il Suns li: 1/17/2013 1:22:23 AM

What would you change in Halo 4 to make it better?

Everyone talks about how bad/meh Halo 4 is, and I tend to disagree, as someone who hated Reach I thoroughly enjoy Halo 4. Yet of course everyone hopes for Halo 5, but I don't exactly see what would be changed to make it better. The maps? Playlists? Maybe the weapons? I'd like to hear some opinions, because honestly I don't think Halo 5 will differ much from Halo 4, regardless of what 343 has or will say.

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  • Halo 4 is reaching the point of no return where nothing that changes will bring players who've left back. What I'd do differently right now is Halo 2 Anniversary with a map pack/TU for Halo 4. It's unlikely anything else exclusively Halo 4 will attract players. In a perfect world, I'd put Bungie back in charge. I love 343's optimism and ballsy new direction they like to take, but they're not interactive with the community enough.

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    • Well, I'd like there to be a no twice in a row rule or something. I've played Ragnarok, Complex, Abandon, and Haven, out of 10 maps. Granted I love Ragnarok, but, who doesn't?

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    • Concussion rifle spawns on Ragnarok and Longbow. Change the concussion rifle spawn on Exile so that it actually shows up before the game is over.

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    • Have playlists from other Halos. The Halo 4 playlist is sad. Team Snipers isn't even there!

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    • Edited by Cultmeister: 1/23/2013 6:54:01 PM
      the needler is way too overpowered. the BR needs a slower rate of fire; right now there's not much difference between that and a DMR. good Forge maps with decent palettes. better spawning. multiple times i have spawned 20-or-so meters in front of the guy who just killed me.

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      1 Reply
      • To name a few... - ranked playlist - small maps - remove camo as a starting ability - nerf the boltshot - fix forge - fileshares on waypoint - API for stats

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        • NO custom classes WHATSOEVER! Everyone starts with the SAME WEAPONS! No RANDOM ordinance drop! No PERSONAL ordinance drop! I'm so butthurt.

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          3 Replies
          • -Search preferences by connection or region -Static ordnance, no ODs or PODs -Camo, Bolt shot to static ordnance placement only, not a loadout option. 1 each per side. -Nerf the frags by 1/3. Too overpowered and spammed like there's no tomorrow. -Ranked playlist so those wishing to have it can be happy again. That's it.

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            2 Replies
            • Clan System True Skill system Make Carbine and Light Rifle better Nerf the DMR a bit Nerf Bolt Shot No Insta-Spawn More Vehicles No random weapon drops And that's about it.

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            • The UI of Reach was virtually perfect. We need it back no matter what happens.

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            • Edited by McG: 1/16/2013 4:37:26 PM
              Playlists and ranking. I like the old system of 1-50 where a rank actually meant something. I also have a slight desire to bring back Clans like they did in Halo 2. That would be pretty cool. I don't think Halo 4 is a failure. I just think some of the changes were a little too much for me and seemed too CoD like. I understand CoD stuff is what is selling right now. But being a competitive player, it's hard to let that stuff slide. For Halo 5, I am begging that they bring back the competitive aspect, and not just this cluster -blam!- of tards.

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              • Getting rid of 8vs8 btb objective games was a bad move.

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                5 Replies
                • Better maps and more maps would be my first change to Halo 4. I got bored rather quickly because of the maps to be honest. Gameplay is good, but I feel like the game is not competitive enough for me. I want to be challenged and to play against players who are better than I so I can get better. I still don't know how I feel about ordinance. It is a variable and kinda makes the game less competitive.

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                • Copy paste Halo 3 on Halo 4 disc with Halo 4 graphics done.

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                  • Better maps, weapons on maps, more and better gametypes.

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                  • Halo 4 is hopeless.

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                    2 Replies
                    • They should try to make the antagonists' motives more clear, I don't think anyone who just played the game would understand why they are fighting either elites or forerunners.

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                      8 Replies
                      • Single-Player: Do a full rewrite of the story. I don't feel like going into detail, but I will if someone asks. Competitive War Games: Ditch Boltshot. Ditch instant respawn. Tune down the amount of power weapons. Spartan Ops: Either commit to a full story or just reinsert ODST firefight. It was classic and beautiful.

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                        • I don't think there's really anything anyone could do to make this game better at this point.

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                        • LAG!

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                        • While the maps are quite a bit better than Reaches, I still have to say that it is where we are lacking. Looking back at old Halo 2 and Halo 3 montages, the maps in those games are unparallelled. What ever happened to such great map design as these? If Halo 4 had a playlist composing of only Halo 3 maps and Halo 3 gameplay, that is all I would play. Also, what kept people driven to play was reaching that ultimate rank of 50. Everyone always wanted to play ranked so they could reach a higher rank. In Reach and Halo 4, there is no incentive to play more other than to have fun. The way I have the most fun in games like this is through competitive gameplay, and Halo 4's gameplay isn't super competitive.

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                        • I had no issues with it really. The gun sounds kinda bugged me but that's nothing. Not a fan of how good I am though. Sometimes wrecking people just gets old.

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                        • 0
                          1) Add in a few more lines of dialogue to allow for better understanding of the story for newcomers. Seriously, all it would take to clear up the Storm Covenant is (In the cutscene where Chief first meets Del Rio and is told of the Infinity's purpose): "What are the Covenant doing here?" "They're a rogue faction Chief. They call themselves the Storm, and they still follow the Prophet doctrine." Don't get me wrong, I still think the story of 4 is by far the best of the series and one of the best in any recent FPS, but a little extra dialogue would have been enough to clear up half of everybody's problems with the story. 2) Completely redo half the level design in the game. Stop with this Halo 2/3/Reach lack of player choice and sandbox elements bullsh1t. Give me the open, airy fields of CE where I can setup battles like the Rockslide megabattle, or the Twin Bridges megabattle. 3) Completely redo the Covenant AI. I like the Promethean's chaotic approach to the battlefield (though that could still be greatly improved), but the Covenant are at their (excluding lolwallhackauotaimconcussionriflespam Reach) absolute worst. Make them reactive again, bring back roaming from CE, widen the variance gap (i.e. make Zealots ACT like Zealots, minors ACT like minors, etc.)

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                          4 Replies
                          • I would change the entire studio that made it.... zing!

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                          • Make it Halo 2.

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                            • Edited by j0sh291: 1/17/2013 3:39:34 AM
                              [b]Halo 4 would've been better if:[/b] No ordnance No personal loadouts No instal spawn No weird asymetrical maps No redundant weapons (DMR) No Armor abilities No sound change on weapons and vehicles More Air vehicles and usable ones. New vehicles (mantis is not fun to use) maybe Promethean vehicles. Memorable characters were introduced, someone similar like Cpt. Keys or Johnson. Lasky doesn't make it nor Palmer. Good main menu layout Real Halo music that fits Halo. Neil did a great job, but what he did does not fits "Halo" Halo Wars has better Halo music if we can compare it like that. Real Forge Custom settings

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