originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
I got in several games earlier.
No one on da LoLz tonight. Forever Alone. :(
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra but he's really good at farming and once he gets a Lich Bane he's a beast in team fighting. [/quote] Fixed.
His Q procs on-hit effects, so once you get lich bane your q will be doing damage equal to your ability power, plus the damage your q gives you. It's insane.
Ok, so AP Ez is kind of a blast to play. He has a really tough time against lanes that can push well like Morgana, Malzahar, and Zyra, but he's really good at farming and once he gets a Rabadons he's a beast in team fighting. Gonna have to start practicing him. His skillshots are REALLLYYYYY precise, which is something I'm not quite used to, and the range of his W is annoying, but I think he'll be a monster if I can get them nailed down.
A million? Ok yeah I agree.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK Dan we need to play tonight, I have another surprise.[/quote] I wont be on tonight. Tonight is football night baby. I'll be back tomorrow. [/quote] You hurt me.[/quote] Sorry, NFL is a million times better than LoL.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK Dan we need to play tonight, I have another surprise.[/quote] I wont be on tonight. Tonight is football night baby. I'll be back tomorrow. [/quote] You hurt me.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK Dan we need to play tonight, I have another surprise.[/quote] I wont be on tonight. Tonight is football night baby. I'll be back tomorrow.
Dan we need to play tonight, I have another surprise.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK I got money that says Suns will drop Tryn for Rengar.[/quote] We can only hope. I've played 837483 games too many with Tryn on my team.
I got money that says Suns will drop Tryn for Rengar.
I'm so getting AstroNautilus. EDIT: Suns go check out the patch preview! They're buffing Garens abilities/late game to make him a more viable competitive pick. However, they're also merging his early game, which was overpowered, to balance him out. While this makes Garen overall more viable to the team as a tanks DPS, he is still a tough pick due to his lack of CC. That said, he's certainly playable now and I can see him on or near the Shyvana tier now (very dangerous champion but has no CC). If you could learn to master the new Garen, I'd be ok with you playing him as long as our team had enough CC. Furthermore, while I'm sure the Garen news is great, don't let it stop you from experimenting with new champions like Lee Sin, Renekton, or Rengar. [Edited on 08.11.2012 5:19 AM PDT]
[url=http://imgur.com/a/Bbv6l]Astronaut Nautilus is becoming a reality! Also, Pool Party Ziggs.[/url] [Edited on 08.10.2012 11:07 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK It seems to only affect certain characters you choose. But when I was playing the PBE, I was loving the new high definition effects and sounds. They cranked up Sona with some new tunes. The Riot Graves looks like a swinger. The new Kat looks awesome, but still sucks if not fed.[/quote] New Kat doesn't need to be fed. Once she gets a Gunblade she's actually a terror. I like her alot, will buy her on live when the fix comes out. And the "new" UI that was linked on reddit is a fake. The devs actually are doing an AMA about it, and posted a newer version of it(according to them, still old version though). [/quote] The first image I posted isn't a fake, people just took the UI files and put them together how they assumed it would go. The 2nd pic I posted was the official one posted by the Devs.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK It seems to only affect certain characters you choose. But when I was playing the PBE, I was loving the new high definition effects and sounds. They cranked up Sona with some new tunes. The Riot Graves looks like a swinger. The new Kat looks awesome, but still sucks if not fed.[/quote] New Kat doesn't need to be fed. Once she gets a Gunblade she's actually a terror. I like her alot, will buy her on live when the fix comes out. And the "new" UI that was linked on reddit is a fake. The devs actually are doing an AMA about it, and posted a newer version of it(according to them, still old version though).
I would still like them to add ult and summoner spell icons next to your teammates things to show when their stuff is off cooldown like it is in spectator mode.
It seems to only affect certain characters you choose. But when I was playing the PBE, I was loving the new high definition effects and sounds. They cranked up Sona with some new tunes. The Riot Graves looks like a swinger. The new Kat looks awesome, but still sucks if not fed.
Seems a little cartoony.
[url=http://i.imgur.com/ZckQb.jpg]WIP new HUD from PBE[/url] EDIT: [url=http://i.imgur.com/CG1ry.jpg]A more official image of the new WIP HUD.[/url] [Edited on 08.10.2012 1:18 PM PDT]
Sun's new champion.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Quickstrike NC Rengar looks too much like Renekton. Battlecast Rammus? EDIT: on second thought Rengar looks like a Renekton/Warwick/Garen combo (Garen because of bush league). I don't think he'll be using mana either. Possibly your newest champ, suns?[/quote] Not Battlecast, but a robotic version of some kind. And no, Rengar doesn't use mana. If any of you ever played WoW, he looks a lot like Rogues and how they function. Basically, whenever you use an ability, they stack combo points. Once the stack reaches a high enough point, your abilities gain bonuses. For Rengar, he gets AS and MS steroids, a heal, vision of invisible enemies, and something else I can't remember. As far as I've been told, they're the new PAX promo codes Dan. And I'll see what I can do :) Would like to snag one for myself as well, since it would mean I could just get graves FO FREE.
Rengar looks too much like Renekton. Battlecast Rammus? EDIT: on second thought Rengar looks like a Renekton/Warwick/Garen combo (Garen because of bush league). I don't think he'll be using mana either. Possibly your newest champ, suns? [Edited on 08.10.2012 4:26 AM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra Sounds like another melee top lane champ. Boring. In more interesting news for you Dan, a little birdie told me they should be able to score me a RIOT Graves skin code. Interested? :P[/quote] Omg, I am VERY interested. Are they giving them out at PAX or wut? But yea, I'd love you LOOOOOOONG time if you scored me one <3
Sounds like another melee top lane champ. Boring. In more interesting news for you Dan, a little birdie told me they should be able to score me a RIOT Graves skin code. Interested? :P
Told you next champ would be Rengar. [url=http://i.imgur.com/0dcq2.jpg]Here is his splash.[/url] EDIT: [url=http://imgur.com/a/uapSF]New Rammus Skin[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/fydJV.jpg]Riot Graves Skin[/url] Rengar Abilities: [quote]Passive: Unseen Predator While in brush or stealth Rengar will leap at the target when using his basic attack. Rengar builds 1 point of Ferocity with each ability he uses on enemies. When reaching 5 points of Ferocity, Rengar's next ability becomes empowered, granting it a bonus effect. Q: Savagery Rengar's next basic attack deals bonus damage and grants him increased attack speed. Ferocity Bonus: Rengar deals enhanced damage and doubles his Attack Speed bonus. W: Battle Roar Rengar lets out a battle roar, damaging enemies and gaining bonus armor and Magic Resist for a short duration. Ferocity Bonus: Rengar heals for a large amount. E: Bola Strike Rengar throws a bola at his target, slowing them for a short duration. Ferocity Bonus: Roots the target for 1 second. R: Thrill of the Hunt Rengar activates his predatory instincts, stealthing and revealing all enemy Campions in a large radius around him. He gains Movement Speed and rapidly generates Ferocity while stealthed.[/quote] Sounds cool. [Edited on 08.09.2012 11:00 PM PDT]