originally posted in:Mjolnir Battle Tactics
Thought we could have one, since more members of MBT are starting to play. You know how these things work.
For those that don't know or are interested, league of legends is a free online game where you fight in arenas on teams, trying to destroy the enemy base. Its that RTS-styled field of view, but your champion has skills. Its not an RPG, its not an RTS. Its fun. leagueoflegends.com
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtTvc_9BoGw] Epic Push in a 4v5 match by Me and Dan and Theo[/url]
[Edited on 01.14.2012 11:54 AM PST]
Told you next champ would be Rengar. [url=http://i.imgur.com/0dcq2.jpg]Here is his splash.[/url] EDIT: [url=http://imgur.com/a/uapSF]New Rammus Skin[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/fydJV.jpg]Riot Graves Skin[/url] Rengar Abilities: [quote]Passive: Unseen Predator While in brush or stealth Rengar will leap at the target when using his basic attack. Rengar builds 1 point of Ferocity with each ability he uses on enemies. When reaching 5 points of Ferocity, Rengar's next ability becomes empowered, granting it a bonus effect. Q: Savagery Rengar's next basic attack deals bonus damage and grants him increased attack speed. Ferocity Bonus: Rengar deals enhanced damage and doubles his Attack Speed bonus. W: Battle Roar Rengar lets out a battle roar, damaging enemies and gaining bonus armor and Magic Resist for a short duration. Ferocity Bonus: Rengar heals for a large amount. E: Bola Strike Rengar throws a bola at his target, slowing them for a short duration. Ferocity Bonus: Roots the target for 1 second. R: Thrill of the Hunt Rengar activates his predatory instincts, stealthing and revealing all enemy Campions in a large radius around him. He gains Movement Speed and rapidly generates Ferocity while stealthed.[/quote] Sounds cool. [Edited on 08.09.2012 11:00 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Quickstrike NC [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK [url=http://leaguememe.com/images/vTU9jSOQbGaRmIgeYxWznl1t8VfNEDMP5KBLHdpA.png]LoL in a nutshell[/url][/quote] Poor jungler no where to be found. [/quote] :([/quote] Well that's how it always is. The jungler decides when he wants to join the fight.
Truly truly truly outrageous.
[url=http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-relaunch-katarina-sinister-blade]New Katarina remake coming out next patch[/url]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK [url=http://leaguememe.com/images/vTU9jSOQbGaRmIgeYxWznl1t8VfNEDMP5KBLHdpA.png]LoL in a nutshell[/url][/quote] Poor jungler no where to be found. [/quote] :(
[url=http://i.imgur.com/RKMJO.jpg]Found a pic for Suns to enjoy.[/url] [Edited on 08.09.2012 9:50 AM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK [url=http://leaguememe.com/images/vTU9jSOQbGaRmIgeYxWznl1t8VfNEDMP5KBLHdpA.png]LoL in a nutshell[/url][/quote] Poor jungler no where to be found.
[url=http://leaguememe.com/images/vTU9jSOQbGaRmIgeYxWznl1t8VfNEDMP5KBLHdpA.png]LoL in a nutshell[/url]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t90u3/psa_omg_why_u_focus_tank_why_ad_carries_should/]Here's[/url] some info for you noobs who whine everytime I attack the tanks as the AD Carry. [/quote] This simply says that when you can't get to the squishies, you focus the tank. That's a no-brainer, and not what anyone had a problem with. It's when you or me as the AP Carry focus the tank when the enemies carries are close that is the problem.[/quote] No, certain people I play with will -blam!- anytime I basic attack a tank no matter the situation, thus why I posted that.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t90u3/psa_omg_why_u_focus_tank_why_ad_carries_should/]Here's[/url] some info for you noobs who whine everytime I attack the tanks as the AD Carry. [/quote] This simply says that when you can't get to the squishies, you focus the tank. That's a no-brainer, and not what anyone had a problem with. It's when you or me as the AP Carry focus the tank when the enemies carries are close that is the problem.
[url=http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t90u3/psa_omg_why_u_focus_tank_why_ad_carries_should/]Here's[/url] some info for you noobs who whine everytime I attack the tanks as the AD Carry.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Crow SMK How about a true support champion?[/quote] We haven't had one since Lulu (Which I advise you to get).
How about a true support champion?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra Doesn't mean he is our next one. We know that in the next few champions we'll be getting a sand-based champion and the next Void mage, but we don't know for sure who is coming out next.[/quote] Void mage has been rumored since champ 100. I'll take this concrete evidence over a long standing rumor. [/quote] The game has champ abilities already listed in it, all of them named. Theyve been there since the Jayce patch, along with another 7 or so champions. Among those that were there? Diana and Zyra. So I'll take it as concrete evidence, because if those two were that spot-on, I seriously doubt the rest aren't.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Vishra Doesn't mean he is our next one. We know that in the next few champions we'll be getting a sand-based champion and the next Void mage, but we don't know for sure who is coming out next.[/quote] Void mage has been rumored since champ 100. I'll take this concrete evidence over a long standing rumor.
Doesn't mean he is our next one. We know that in the next few champions we'll be getting a sand-based champion and the next Void mage, but we don't know for sure who is coming out next.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Suns1324 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 So, who else sat on the login screen for like 20 mins listening to the Diana login screen music? [/quote] The login screen music changes for champions?[/quote] Enable your login music nub. EDIT: [url=http://i.imgur.com/uwHsL.jpg]Next champ to be named 'Rengar' and has a unique item, ala Viktor. [/url] [Edited on 08.07.2012 5:00 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 So, who else sat on the login screen for like 20 mins listening to the Diana login screen music? [/quote] The login screen music changes for champions?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DanTheMan8987 So, who else sat on the login screen for like 20 mins listening to the Diana login screen music? [/quote] It's entrancing.
In other words, Alec will have his fill of molesting children after 2 more weeks.
So, who else sat on the login screen for like 20 mins listening to the Diana login screen music?
In less than 2 weeks I will for sure play some ranked if you guys are up for it. Saw Diana champ spotlight. She looks good, higher end skill cap too if you want to fully utilize her
I can do some late tonight, like 9 or 10.
Why don't we do it tonight. I will be at the point and I want to try out the connection. Try out the american tax payer quality connection to the Riot servers.
When are we gonna start running some LoC games? Or at least 5 man draft mode.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SmartAlec13 Its true :P And youre playing ranked Vish? Whats your ELO?[/quote] 1100. And streak was foiled at 9-1 thanks to pro Riot servers :( Spent half the game sitting at fountain, attempting to reconnect. Anytime I would relog I could barely get the launcher to work. So much balls. Gonna get back to 1200 elo today. Might just buy Diana and pwn from jungle, she's ridiculously strong right now. Her Qs damage is probably gonna get touched soon. [Edited on 08.07.2012 6:02 AM PDT]